Topic 4-11-09 – Allergies
The Emergency Card for each student shall be complete and current, must be readily available to authorized employees, and shall indicate whether the parent/guardian has given the school permission to choose a physician in an emergency. At the beginning of each school year as well as mid-year, the Emergency Card for each student should be completed by the parent/guardian. Subsequently, the parent/guardian must inform the school when there are changes to key information, including addresses for home or work, phone numbers, names of people to notify in case of an emergency, or medication prescriptions for the student.
In case of an emergency, the Emergency Card should be shown to the paramedics or emergency room staff to authorize treatment and advise them if a student has any medical need or is on medication. Therefore, it is imperative that the Emergency Card information be accurate, complete, and current. Parents/guardians are required to update information about any medication the student takes on a regular basis.
When a student becomes ill or injured, the parent/guardian must be contacted immediately. If the parent/guardian cannot be reached, the school shall contact another person on the Emergency Card.
See also Topic 4-11-07 – Medications, above.
Asthma Inhalers and EpiPens – The policy regarding asthma inhalers and EpiPens is the same as non-prescription medications. Students who have a prescription to use an asthma inhaler or EpiPen will be permitted to carry it on their person after submitting the proper parent permission form. The student will be personally responsible for taking the proper dosages at the proper times.