​​​​​Catechesis is the life-long process of initial conversion, formation, education, and on-going conversion. This chapter of the Administrative Handbook provides vision, direction, and resources to help implement catechesis on the local level in a variety of settings and situations.  The most frequently referenced foundational documents upon which this chapter are based are summarized in this resource: ​ Foundational Catechetical Documents.

​Through a range of programs the one message of Jesus is proclaimed to all. It is written within the context of the teachings of the Church as reflected in sacred Scripture, other official Church documents, in particular those published or adopted by the Holy​ See, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops​, and the archdiocese.

The Church's mission is that of evangelization through which the gift of faith given by God is nurtured and developed. The Archdiocese of Los Angeles, in all its locations, continues Jesus' mission and ministry by proclaiming the message of Jesus, creating community, worshipping as the people of God, and serving all of God's people. 

“Communion with Christ is the center of the Christian life” (Directory for Catechesis​, 75). All members of the Church, from the youngest to the oldest are on a faith journey. The Church supports this journey through evengelization, faith formation, religious education, and catechetical ministry. At the center of these processes is the living encounter with Christ, through which people get to know Jesus and his Gospel ever better; choose Jesus’ way of life and sentiments as their own; and strive to realize the mission of Christ, proclaiming the kingdom of God in the circumstances in which they live (See, Directory for Catechesis, 75).​

​6-16-21, 4-29-2022​

