Deficiency /Failure Policy:
A student who receives two failures (F's) in any semester is placed on academic probation. A student who receives three failures (F's) in any quarter may be dismissed immediately upon recommenda- tion of the Academic Review Board. A student who receives a total of three failures (F's) for the academic school year may not return to Paraclete the following academic year. If a failure grade is recorded in a subject required for graduation the same subject must be retaken. If the subject is an elective, the credit only must be earned; that is, another elective course may be substituted. Arrangements for retaking a course are to be made through the Academic Counselor. In order to return in the fall, all F's must be made up. Students who earn a failure in a core course, English, Math, Science or Social Studies must retake that course at Paraclete. For all courses that need to be retaken during the summer, including those with "D" and "F" grades: If a course is offered at Paraclete, it may not be taken elsewhere for placement on the Paraclete tran- script unless such action is approved by the Vice-Principal. Grades for any student officer, athlete or cheerleader who fails a subject will be reviewed and the student may be removed from office or incur ineligibility in that sport or activity until such time as the stu- dent reaches the necessary scholastic achievement. Refer to the ASB Constitution or the CIF Blue Book for eligibility requirements. The Academic Review Board may place students on academic probation or contract if in their judgement the combination grades achieved by a student in any semester warrants such action. The Board recommends the terms of the probation including such pos- sibilities as exclusion from offices, activities, athletic participation and cheer leading. In each case, the Board will attempt to enact such terms as will best motivate the student in improvement or the removal of distractions that may be preventing higher achievements.