SBHS Device Policy
Cell Phones and Personal Electronic Devices
Students who bring cell phones, electronic devices, headphones (wireless or wired), smart watches, and laptop computers to school do so at their own risk. The school is not responsible for lost or missing personal property. The school will provide no investigation of missing phones and electronic devices.
Unauthorized Student Internet Web Sites
It is unacceptable to use the St. Bernard High School name, initials, logo, or pictures of staff, students, the school, or school activities with anything that is degrading, lewd, threatening, violent, or in an unauthorized way. Deliberate publication on the Internet, or anywhere else, of such items may result in serious disciplinary action including expulsion. Students will be required to sign an Acceptable Use Policy prior to each school year.
Photographs, Video and Audio Recording Policy
Students may not make unauthorized videos, take unauthorized photographs of the school, staff or other students, or make unauthorized audio recordings at any time during the school day or at school events. The publication, on the Internet or anywhere else, of videos, audio or photographs taken at the school or while at a school activity without the expressed authorization of the school is strictly forbidden. It is unacceptable to use the St. Bernard High School name, uniform, initials, logo, or pictures of staff, students, the school, or school activities with anything that is degrading, lewd, threatening, or violent. Deliberate publication on the Internet, or anywhere else, of such items may result in serious disciplinary action including expulsion.
SBHS issued Chromebook:
Signed SBHS Chromebook Contract
Signed SBHS Chromebook Policy
SBHS issued Chromebook is the ONLY device allowed during school hours.
Daily @ SBHS:
Students are required to have their own issued Chromebook at all times.
Students must keep their 'name' label in the right hand corner of their Chromebook.
Chromebooks will be checked during 1st period and throughout the school day.
Students may not share their Chromebook.
Chromebook violations are a violation of Conduct Code.
Chromebook may be collected by SBHS faculty at any time.
Administration may amend this policy at any time.
SBHS Chromebook Policy
If the Chromebook is lost, stolen, or damaged, you may be responsible. A replacement Chromebook will cost $350.
Daily @ SBHS:
Students are required to have their own issued Chromebook at all times.
Chromebooks will be checked during 1st period and throughout the school day.
Students without their Chromebook must report to the Dean.
Documentation and ‘temporary’ devices will be issued for the day.
3rd ‘temporary’ device in a semester results in a fee.
Students may not share their Chromebook.
Chromebook violations are a violation of Conduct Code.
Chromebooks may be collected by SBHS faculty at any time.
Administration may amend this policy at any time.
SBHS is a no phone/device zone. Students may bring their phones/devices to campus. However, from the first bell to begin school to the last bell to end the school day, there are no phones/devices allowed.
- Phones/devices must be turned off at all times.
- Phones/devices must be in a backpack at all times.
- Including headphones, earbuds, etc.
- Any phone/device seen on campus can be confiscated by any staff member.
- Confiscated phones will be returned to the student after school in the Dean’s office.
- Any phone/device usage prior to and after school MUST be outside of the school building.
- Phone/device use is ONLY allowed with the explicit permission of a faculty member.
Code violations (Attendance - tardy at school), Conduct, Dress, Device) are cummulative for the school year.
Honor Code violations are cummulative throughout SBHS tenure.
Procedure for code violations are as follows:
Each violation will be communicated and documented to the student, reported to the Dean, documented, and filed
1st = as stated
2nd = as stated and emailed to student/parent explaining 3rd Violation results in a meeting with Dean / Principal
3rd = as stated and meeting with Dean / Principal explaining 4th violation results in Disciplinary Probation
4th = as stated and phone call to parent; Disciplinary Probation / Contract sent home with student and/or emailed to student/parent
5th = as stated and phone call to parent; Disciplinary Probation (extended) or Strict Disciplinary Probation / Contract sent home with student and/or emailed to student/parent
6th = as stated and phone call to parent; Strict Disciplinary Probation or Suspension Contract sent home with student and/or emailed to student/parent
Further violations may result in withdrawal from St. Bernard High School