Academic Honor Code
St. Bernard High School is a Catholic institution dedicated to the intellectual, moral, and spiritual development of the student. The school expects that its students will strive to meet their individual potentials and, upon graduation, become citizens who incorporate high ethical standards and Christian values into their daily lives. The school strives to develop, promote and maintain moral structure and honesty among all members of its community. Commitment to truth and academic integrity is imperative to this goal.
Adherence to the Academic Honor Code promotes the level of academic integrity required within the school and assures that student work is judged fairly when evaluated against curricular standards and the work of others. It also ensures that each student will demonstrate honesty and integrity in their assignments, testing, and participation in their learning process. This Code defines the behaviors which violate the principle of academic integrity and the methods for promoting academic integrity on campus.
Academic integrity will be emphasized throughout the student’s career at St. Bernard. Students and parents, at the beginning of each school year, must sign the Honor Code Agreement.
The Honor Pledge must be signed by students on assignments and exams as required by any instructor:
“On my honor, I pledge that I have not violated any of the provisions of the St. Bernard High School Academic Honor Code.”
Each year, students shall be required to sign the following Honor Code Agreement, which will be kept in the student’s academic file.
As a student at St. Bernard High School, I , will conduct myself in an honest and academically ethical manner and will comply with the provisions of the St. Bernard High School Honor Code.
I understand that I must write and sign the following Honor Pledge on tests and work whenever required by an instructor: On my honor, I pledge that I have not violated any of the provisions of the St. Bernard High School Academic Honor Code.
I understand that, if I do not include this pledge, as required by the instructor, with my signature, the instructor will not grade my work. In those instances where there is an unintentional omission, I will be given an opportunity to correct it by signing the Pledge.
I understand that the Academic Honor Code applies to all work submitted, whether or not the signed Honor Pledge is required by the instructor, and that I am expected to submit only my own work at all times.
I have read and understand my responsibilities as defined by the St. Bernard High School Academic Honor Code, and will, to the best of my ability, comply with those responsibilities.
Violations of the Academic Honor Code
Violation of the Academic Honor Code includes, but is not limited to:
Giving or receiving answers to quizzes, tests, examinations or any assignments the student is expected to submit as his/her own work.
Loaning or copying homework in or out of class.
Plagiarism or copying the work of another and submitting it as one’s own work.
Plagiarism of information from the Internet or other electronic source.
Improper use or improper citing of resources may also constitute plagiarism or honor code violation.
Using unauthorized aids in doing course work or in testing.
Altering graded work and resubmitting it for grading.
Fabricating data, references or other information and including it in an assignment as if it were fact.
Forging the signature of a parent on an assignment, test paper, report card or other official school document of communication from the teacher or school to the parent.
Using the computer to unethically send or receive work.
Obtaining or sharing a copy of a test prior to the testing period.
Removing a test from the classroom unless specifically authorized to do so by the instructor.
Disciplinary Actions for Violation of the Academic Honor Code
Academic integrity is essential to the fair assessment and evaluation of the student and to the very mission of Catholic education and the school. Violations of the Honor Code are cumulative in nature over the four years the student is at St. Bernard. ***A student who steals or purchases a copy of a test, the teacher’s edition of a book, test bank, or the teacher’s Grade Book or who alters a teacher’s computer grade book is liable for immediate dismissal from school.***. Depending on the severity of a violation, as determined by the administration, violation of the Academic Honor Code may result in the following:
First Violation:
The student may, in the presence of an administrator, be required to call his/her parent(s) and inform them of the incident.
The teacher will notify the parent and the student may receive a zero for the work or test.
Depending on the severity of the infraction defined by the administration, membership in any Academic, Service or Leadership organization may be suspended for at least one semester, these organizations could include, but may not be limited to, Athletic Teams, National Honor Society, California Scholarship Federation (CSF), Student Council/Class Office/ASB, Campus Ministry Leadership, and Viking Ambassador, etc.
The student may be ineligible for Honor Roll honors for the semester the infraction occurs. Depending on the severity of the violation and at the administration’s discretion.
Senior students with an Honor Code Violation during their senior year are automatically ineligible for Graduation with Honors status, regardless of their Cumulative Grade Point Average. In addition, these students may not compete for Valedictorian or Salutatorian honors, depending on the severity of the incident.
Depending on the nature of the infraction and the student’s disciplinary history, further disciplinary action, including probation, suspension and expulsion may be taken.
Second Violation:
Students involved in a second incidence of Honor Code Violation during the same year in the same or different class will be placed on a Strict Academic/Behavior Probation Contract for the remainder of the year.
Membership in any Academic, Service or Leadership organization will be suspended for at least one semester. These organizations could include, but may not be limited to, Athletic Teams, National Honor Society, California Scholarship Federation (CSF), Student Council/Class Office/ASB, Campus Ministry Leadership, and Viking Ambassador, etc. The student will also be suspended from any athletic team participation.
Third Violation:
A student allowed to continue at St. Bernard High School after a 2nd violation of the Academic Honor Code can be asked to withdraw upon a 3rd violation at any time during the student’s tenure at St. Bernard High School.