Daily Absences

  1. It is the student's responsibility to arrange with teachers to make up tests. Quizzes, classwork assignments, projects, and homework.  To obtain credit, make-up work must be completed within the number of days absent of returning to school at the discretion of the teacher. (Ex: Two (2) days absent = two (2) days to make-up work).  Students who leave during the school day (foreseeable) are responsible for checking in with their teachers (before school, during break or lunch) and turning in/getting all assignments and notes daily just as if they were in attendance during class.
  2. Students need to make appointments with teachers to learn/discuss new concepts/material that was presented while attending a school sponsored event. (Alternate assignments may be given at the teachers' discretion).
  3. Departments and/or teachers will make arrangements to provide make-up tests. Friday after school is the suggested make-up day.
  4. Students who are suspended from school are not permitted to make up any tests, homework, or class work.



