Regular school attendance is important because academic skills are presented in sequence.  Excessive absence creates gaps which can be difficult to overcome.
Pupil absence must be reported to the school office (626) 291-5959 between 7:30 and 9:00 a.m. On returning to school, a written excuse signed by the parent/guardian is required, even though the office was notified.  Failure to send the appropriate note will necessitate a phone call to the parent/guardian and the child/ren may be asked to remain in the office during this time.

Students are tardy if they are not in their classroom by 8:00 a.m.  A warning bell will ring at
7:55 a.m. Students arriving after 8:00 a.m. must report to the school office for an admission slip.  Parents are asked to make every effort to see that their child/ren arrive at school on time as frequent tardiness is detrimental to learning and disruptive to the class.  Students with unexcused tardies are considered truant.  Disciplinary action may be taken for excessive tardiness

Medical and dental appointments are to be made outside of school hours, when possible.  Parents are advised to notify the school in advance if the student has an appointment during school hours.  When leaving the campus for an appointment, the student must be signed out in the office by the parent or other responsible adult.  After keeping any medical appointment, the student must check in at the school office before returning to class.  According to the state of California Medical/Dental absences are no longer distinguished from regular absences as "excused". 

The following demonstrates how tardies and absences will be recorded:
L/         Late arrival (up to 30 minutes tardy)
/L         Left early (left within 30 minutes of dismissal)
A         Whole day absence
A/        Morning absence (tardy more than 30 minutes)
/A        Afternoon absence (signed out more than 30 minutes before dismissal)
Although students who participate in movie projects are educated on the set, they are still considered as absent, since they are not on campus. 

The administration strongly discourages absence from school due to vacations, as the student's learning is interrupted.  Anytime students will not be at school, including vacation, the administration and the teacher must be notified in advance.  Projects due will not be accepted late.  It is the student's responsibility to acquire missed assignments.  Missing school sends the wrong message to a student regarding the importance of their education and may severely affect their performance and grade.  Parents/guardians are strongly encouraged to plan vacations during the regular school vacation periods. 

If the student is involved in an after school activity such as sports, he/she may not leave the campus for any purpose and return for the activity, unless supervised by a parent or other responsible adult.  We ask your support in upholding this policy. ​

