Physical Education Program
In addition to lunch and recess, all students participate in physical education each week. Students are expected to actively participate in the physical education program unless a written excuse is provided by a parent. In the event of an extended health concern, verification must be in writing from a physician. Please see Uniform section for details about P.E. uniforms.
Sports Program
St. Luke Catholic School participates in the Catholic Youth Organization (C.Y.O.) CYO is a competitive sports program involving local Catholic schools. The sports program is available to grades 5-8. Track is the exception which includes training for 3rd and 4th grade students. Girls compete in volleyball, basketball, softball, football (co-ed), soccer, and track. Boys compete in football (co-ed), basketball, volleyball, soccer, and track.
Students will be assessed a fee per sport. This fee is non-refundable if the student becomes ineligible due to grades, behavior, or unsportsmanlike conduct. The fee covers the cost of referees throughout the season, as well as needed supplies. Parents are expected to volunteer to support the team and the sports program.
Game and Practice Transportation
It is the responsibility of the parent to provide transportation to and from all extra-curricular activities.