​​Discipline Policy

Discipline is necessary to provide a classroom environment that is conducive to learning. Students will be treated fairly and with respect. It is expected that they treat persons in authority with due respect and learn to be responsible for their actions.

In most instances when rules are broken discipline will be handled by the individual teachers. Each teacher has a discipline plan, which is on file in the principal's office and is distributed to parents at the Back to School Night. The Middle School, as a unit, has one plan. See below.

Although these plans differ from teacher to teacher, generally the student is warned the first offense; the student will receive a consequence for each offense after the first.

When a student has done something which a teacher considers very serious, the student will be sent to the principal's office. Generally, a first visit to the principal will result in a Behavioral Referral, with a consequence. The principal keeps a file on all referrals. Every time a student is sent to the principal, the discipline files from previous problems will be checked. If a warning has previously been issued, a suspension will result, if warranted.

All disciplinary actions taken in the principal's office are documented and parents receive a copy of the Behavioral Referral.

This school maintains a hands to oneself policy. Pushing, shoving and/or fighting will not be tolerated. All parties involved will be suspended for each incidence of fighting and physical contact which results in injury to others.

When a student has continued problems in the classroom or on the yard, they will be referred to the Discipline Board. The board will meet with parents and the student to find avenues that will help the student to improve in an area of weakness. Recommendations will be made. If the recommendations of the team are not met, or if no improvement occurs, the student may be asked to withdraw from the school.


If a student is placed on probation due to disciplinary problems, that student will lose any privileges, such as extracurricular activities, field trips, and special functions.


Detention will be given for, but not limited to, the following:

  • Use of inappropriate language.
  • Disrespectful behavior to students or teachers.
  • Repeated corrections of same offense.
  • Three uniform violations (A 2nd detention for Uniform Violations will result in a referral  to the principal.)
  • Three tardies

Detention is to be served on the assigned day unless the student has a previous medical appointment and the parent notifies the teacher. If this is the case, the detention will be served the next day. The length of the detention is at the discretion of the teacher, generally 15 minutes in primary and 30 minutes in middle school. A missed detention will result in a 2nd detection.

Gangs: Membership/Involvement

Membership in, active involvement in, or affiliation with a gang or group responsible for coercive or violent activity is grounds for expulsion.


Fighting is always a suspendable offense. Destruction of school properties, repeated use of inappropriate language or repeated disrespectful behavior will result in a suspension.

Middle School Discipline Policy

The faculty of Holy Trinity Middle School believes that discipline is necessary to provide an environment that is conducive to student learning. With this in mind, we have created a point system.

All students start with zero points. Students will have points added to their total for the infractions listed below.

All Middle School teachers will follow the same discipline plan, keeping one total for each student. The total points earned each quarter will be subtracted from 100, which will become the student's behavior grade. Only one behavior grade will be given for each student on his or her report card.

Any time a student receives a C- or lower in behavior, the student will be placed on behavioral probation. While on probation, the student may not participate in extra-curricular activities or special class activities, such as field trips, outings, etc.

At the beginning of the new quarter, the student starts with 100 points for a behavior grade; however, the points accumulated will continue to accrue throughout the year. A running tally for each student will be kept for the year, but only those points earned that quarter will be deducted for the quarter's behavior grade.

For example, if a student accumulated 5 points, the behavior grade will be 95, A. If a student accumulated 15 points, the behavior grade will be 85, B-.

When a student accumulates 75 points, the student is subject to removal from our school.

Not returning a signed homework slip will result in one point being deducted from work habits.

Comment Code on Report Card

Points will be accrued to the students total for the following

Any time a student receives # 7 - 16 as a comment on their Progress Report or Report Cards, 2 points will be added. If code appears more than once, student will receive 2 points for each time code is used.


Cheating will result in a grade of zero on the assignment and a detention which will add 5 points to the student's total.


Every time a student receives a detention, 5 points will be added to the student's total. Reasons for detention being given include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Gum Chewing
  • Disrupting the learning environment: for example...
    • inappropriate noises or actions, excessive talking
  • Disrespect of teachers, other students, or school property: for example...
    • refusing to follow directions
    • responding to the teacher with a disrespectful remark, manner, or tone of voice
    • behavior which is considered harassing to other students
  • Inappropriate language
  • Repeatedly having to be reminded of correct uniform
  • Three tardies

Behavioral Referral to Principal

A referral to the principal will result in 10 points being added to the student's total. A referral will occur for repeated detentions for any of the above reasons or for any action that is more serious than that which would warrant a detention.


A suspension will result in 15 points being added to the student's total. A student is suspended for fighting, pushing, shoving, using hands or feet in anger with the intent to hurt someone, or for a repeat violation of any of the reasons for a referral.

Discipline Board

The Discipline Board at Holy Trinity School serves to seek ways to help students who frequently disrupt the learning process or are having ongoing problems complying with the regulations of the school.

Appearance before the team for a discipline concern is a very serious matter and occurs when a student has repeatedly failed to respond to correction or has committed a serious violation.

Appearance before the team leads to a written and signed agreement between all present as to the nature of the problem and the course of action taken. It will specify behaviors expected of the student with possible consequences. The appearance could result in suspension, probation or a request that a student be withdrawn.

The Discipline Board is comprised of the Principal and the Vice Principal as permanent members. The student's teacher will also be a member of the team.

Waiver of Policies

The principal, in consultation with the pastor, is the final recourse in all disciplinary matters and can, for just cause, at his/her discretion waive any disciplinary regulation.

