• ​​​Non-Discrimination Documentation

    The Internal Revenue Service requires non-public schools to maintain a School Student Non-Discrimination Policy so those schools are recognized as tax exempt.​

    ​A​rchdiocesan schools must demonstrate this policy by annually publishing the School Student Non-Discrimination Policy.  The policy may be published in full on the school's website homepage or on the first landing page that is accessible without a log-in.

    ​For parish schools, the pastor should publish the School Student Non-Discrimination Policy in the parish bulletin. The school should retain a copy of this parish bulletin in the school file. The statement of non-discrimination also should be published each year in the staff handbook, parent/student handbook, and admissions materials. All schools should submit documentation of the published policy to the Department of Catholic Schools​​.​

    [Note that by complying with this Internal Revenue Service requirement the archdiocese is not waiving any legal exceptions or exemptions that may apply to it as a religious nonprofit organization.]

    7-7-2021, 8-16-2022​, 7-24-2024​​

