
It is expected that each Catholic elementary school will establish a Parent Teacher Organization and a Consultative School Board.  Both groups exist to support the school and are critical to the school's viability, but they have very different functions.


Parent Organizations

The main functions of the Parent Teacher Organization are to raise funds for the school's current operational expenses, to promote parental support for the school program, and to increase mutual understanding between school and parents.  The membership of the parent teacher organization shall include the pastor, the principal, the parents or legal guardians, and the faculty of the school. 


Financial operation of a parent teacher organization shall be governed by the regulations for financial operations as found in the Parent Teacher Organization bylaws.


OLG Parent-Teacher Organization

We are blessed with a dedicated and active Parent-Teacher Organization at Our Lady of Grace School. The purpose of this group is to promote a parent-teacher relationship that enhances the principles of the Catholic education process, to support general school activities, to organize and direct fundraising events for the school, and to act as liaisons between parents and school. We encourage you to contact our PTO board members if they can be of help to you in any of these areas.


PTO Meetings Schedule

PTO general meetings for all parents/guardians are held each year. One parent/guardian per family is expected to attend these meetings. Meetings are held approximately once per trimester:  Back to School Night (September), Information Night (February), and End of Year Meeting (May).  Additional meetings may be scheduled if necessary.


PTO Board meetings are held monthly. Each PTO board member is expected to attend these meetings. Parents/guardians who are not currently board members but would like to attend any of these meetings are asked to contact the PTO board president and the principal three days ahead of a scheduled board meeting.


Room Parents

Room parents volunteer time to their children's classes to collaborate with the homeroom teacher. The room parents update their class webpage, organize social events and fundraising activities, and help with other duties as they may arise. Room parents for a new school year are selected during the summer months. If you would like to become a room parent for the following school year, please express your interest to the Room Parent Coordinator on the PTO board before the end of the current school year.


Our Lady of Grace School PTO Board    2019-2020


            President:                                 Martha Rivera                          ​

            Treasurer:                                Ashley Howard           

            Secretary:                                 Audra Walczak                                                                

            V.P. Volunteers/Recruiting        Cathy Salas      

            V.P. Volunteers/Reporting        Chandra Gallo                                                                                       

            V.P. Fundraising/Planning        Jocelyn Patrick            

            Hospitality Coordinator:            Ana Grey  

            Room Parent Coordinator:        Desiree Navarro Dadag                     

            Faculty Representative:             Lisette Romero          




  • To attend Mass with your children on Sundays and on Holy Days of Obligation;
  • To financially support Our Lady of Grace Parish through the use of family offering envelopes
  • To maintain a Catholic atmosphere in your home to help your child grow in his/her faith
  • To act in a Christian manner at all school and parish activities
  • To attend sacramental preparation meetings, where applicable
  • To carefully read the school's weekly family bulletins (and their attachments)
  • To attend all required Parent-Teacher Organization meetings
  • To attend a Parent-Teacher Conference in October or November
  • To make a commitment of thirty (30) hours of school volunteer work
  • To financially support our School Improvement Drive
  • To fulfill the Family Fundraising Obligation Contract by designated due date
  • To pay tuition through FACTS Tuition Management Co. (or pre-pay for the school year in advance)
  • To support the annual school-parish fundraiser as designated each year
  • To attend a VIRTUS training session within the first year of joining the school community



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