There are five primary means of communication between school and parents:

            1.  Our Lady of Grace website located at http://ourladyofgrace.co

            2.  E-Alerts:  Text and email reminders or notifications of school events or emergency information

            3.  A digital "Family Bulletin" posted on the website weekly

            4.  A "Family Packet" that is sent home as warranted

            5. ePACT emergency information system


It is essential that every parent:

            1.  Register his/her mobile phone number and e-mail address for Emergency Alerts.  (The school             will send short, important text message "reminders" about upcoming events and deadlines.  You will only receive these text reminders if you are registered for Emergency Alerts.

2.  Regularly review his/her child's teacher/PTO classroom page(s), and the Family Bulletin.

3. Maintain an accurate and up-to-date ePACT account for each student, particularly with information about authorized after-school pick-ups, etc. ​​

Directions on how to perform these tasks are posted on the website and will be reviewed at Back-to-School Night.  Parents can also direct their questions to the school's STEM and Technology Coordinator, Ms. Arceneaux at larceneaux@ourladyofgrace.co.

24.1  Family Bulletin and Family Packet

A bulletin from the principal will be posted on the school website each Monday. Parents will receive a text alert with a direct link to the bulletin page when it is posted. It is important to read these weekly bulletins and all attachments (flyers, surveys, response forms, and other administrative forms.)

At least once a month a Family Packet (with the Family Bulletin, flyers, response forms) will be sent home with your oldest child.  It's important to read the Family Bulletin on Monday and return any requested forms to school with your child the next day.  If you are sending money to school, please put it in a sealed envelope along with the order form.  Please put your child's name on the envelope along with a notation (i.e. Yearbook, or Field Trip.) Parents should always drop cash payments off directly in the school office to obtain a cash receipt. Lost cash payments that are not dropped off in the office and for which no receipt is provided will not be credited.  

24.2  Parent-School Communication

Parents/guardians have the primary responsibility for the education of their children. The school supports, enhances, and complements this role. The school makes every effort to regularly inform parents about the educational and behavioral progress of their children.

Parents and students are expected to follow the appropriate chain of communication (contact teacher or specific school personnel first; if issue is not resolved, then contact the principal, then the pastor, and then the Archdiocese) in communicating inquiries, concerns, or issues with the school. ​

24.3  Parent-Teacher Communication

Parents are welcome to discuss the progress or problems of their child/children with the teacher or the principal. PARENTS MAY NOT, HOWEVER, DISTURB A TEACHER DURING SCHOOL HOURS OR WHILE ON YARD DUTY. An appointment to meet with a teacher should be made by e-mail, phone call, or note to the instructor prior to the parent's arrival at school. The teacher will contact a parent/guardian to discuss the situation and/or make an appointment to meet. BEFORE SCHOOL AND DURING DISMISSAL ARE NOT APPROPRIATE TIMES FOR A CONFERENCE UNLESS AN APPOINTMENT HAS BEEN MADE IN ADVANCE. Teachers should not be called at home. If you see a teacher off campus, it is appropriate to say hello, but not to discuss your child's progress.

