Skip Navigation LinksSt. Cyril of Jerusalem > chapter-2-GENERAL INFORMATION > section-2-15-Relationship of School to Parish

St. Cyril of Jerusalem was established to meet the educational and spiritual needs of the children residing in the parish. Children of parishioners are given priority enrollment and tuition discounts at the school. During their academic careers at St. Cyril of Jerusalem School, our hope is that students learn to become actively engaged parishioners. By volunteering in the choir or as altar servers, engaging in regular community service projects, and attending special Sunday and weekday Masses with the Parish community, they will be prepared to more fully embrace an active role in parish life as adults. In turn, parishioners support the school with special envelopes in the Sunday collection, supporting school fundraising events, and offering in-kind donations. The pastor, priests, and deacons provide spiritual guidance to the children through visits to the classroom, sacramental preparation, and as models of vocation.

