Skip Navigation LinksSt. Cyril of Jerusalem > chapter-2-GENERAL INFORMATION > section-2-16-School Governance > topic-2-16-5-Parent or Parent-Teacher Organizations


Parent Association (PA)

President: Michaela Chaterjee                                                     

Vice-President: Staci Magcase

Secretary:Fab Carreno

Treasurer: Rosa Menart​

Parent Associations

It is expected that each Catholic elementary school will establish a Parent Association. The PA exists to support the school and is critical to the school’s viability. Parent-teacher organizations do not have any authority to act independently on behalf of the school or parish.  They are not “agents” of the school or parish and any actions taken must receive the official written approval of the pastor and/or the principal as the case may be. 

The main functions of the Parent Association are to raise funds for the school’s current operational expenses, to promote parental support for the school program, and to increase mutual understanding between school and parents. The membership of the parent teacher organization shall include the pastor, the principal, the parents or legal guardians, and the faculty of the school.

Financial operation of a parent teacher organization shall be governed by the regulations as determined by the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.

St. Cyril of Jerusalem Parent Association is responsible for all parent volunteer functions and fundraising events.  The PA operates according to its Constitution and Bylaws and is governed by the School.  The PA holds meetings to which all parents, grandparents and guardians are welcome.  This is a time and place to get updates on school events and how you can be involved.

Visit the PA link on the school website for information and how to contact PA Board members.

Room Parents           


  • Room Parents are the direct link between the teacher, school and parents.  They are expected to attend PA meetings so they can share pertinent information with the parents in each class. A Room Parent’s responsibilities are as follows:

  • Obtain approval from the teacher before disseminating email communication to parents and copy teacher and administration.

  • Contact new parents, welcome them, and answer their questions.

  • Assist teachers with class projects, needs, and field trips, etc.

  • Attend a New Parent Reception that takes place in August before the start of school.

  • Attend First Day of School Reception.

  • Attend PA  meetings. 

  • Contact all parents by email with information and messages that have been pre-approved by administration or its designee.

  • Assist all committee chairs with their needs and requests.

  • Organize any class bake sales that may be held.

Committee Chairs

Committee Chairs organize school events.  The goal of every school event is to have fun while raising funds for an identified improvement to the school that will benefit our students. Committee Chairs’ responsibilities are as follows:

  • Keep PA aware of their progress and needs.

  • Attend PA meetings to give a report before and after their event.

  • Attend the New Parent Reception to promote their event.

  • Attend the First Day of School Reception to introduce their event and have parents sign up as volunteers for their event.

  • Follow the rules of getting all communications pre-approved by the administration or its designee prior to submitting for publication/circulation. 

  • Communicate via the Family Letter, the school website, and an email blast to parents regarding their event.  

  • Get prior approval from PA Treasurer and/or principal before issuing or authorizing any payment.

  • Keep a binder with information regarding every aspect of their event.

  • Provide a report to the PA Treasurer after their event with an itemized financial breakdown of income and expenses and volunteer hours.

  • Turn in the completed Event Binder to the PA President by the end of the year.

  • Assist with the tracking of volunteer hours for events. 

