​           Tardiness

A student is tardy if he or she arrives after the time fixed by the school for the beginning of the morning or afternoon session. Students who arrive after 9:30 a.m. or leave after 12:00 noon are marked absent half a day. A record of all tardiness is kept in the attendance register and records. Students are tardy after 7:45 a.m. If students arrive after 7:45 a.m., they must sign-in at the health office, pick up a tardy slip, and give it to the applicable teacher. WHEN YOUR CHILD IS LATE, YOUR CHILD MUST ENTER THROUGH THE SCHOOL OFFICE. NEVER DROP YOUR CHILD IN THE VENTURA PARKING LOT AND HAVE THEM GO DIRECTLY TO THEIR CLASSROOM. Students will also be marked tardy who are late getting to their classrooms after the lunch bell. A late student gets off to a poor start behind his or her pe​ers, misses socialization and instruction and disrupts the learning of others. Late students are responsible for any missed instruction or work and the school principal reserves the right to require summer school or retention for excessive tardies. Excessive tardies (more than 3 per period) will result in the parent meeting with principal to discuss and resolve the issue. Failure on the part of the parent to address the situation may result in the parent being reported for neglect or the child reported as truant. The child also risks being placed on probation and subject to dismissal. Individual situations outside of the child’s control will be considered.

For Junior High students, all students are expected to be on time for each class period. There is a 5 minute passing period between each class and instruction begins on time. Arriving late to class may result in points taken off their work habits grade.

