​​​​​Parent Messages and Phone Calls

Parent/Child Communication (messages, phone calls or items): Parents are asked to cooperate in limiting classroom disruptions, which interrupt learning for all students, to genuine emergencies only.  Lunches, forgotten books and assignments, or messages about after-school pickup arrangements will not be delivered to class. Students may come to the school office during recess or lunch to pick up items or to check voicemail or text messages from an electronic device.  Remember that electronic devices may only be used under the direct supervision of authorized staff.   

In case of emergency, please call the school office to get a message to your child.  Students may not use their cell phone at school for any other personal purpose, including but not limited to: call, text, email, play games, instagram, or take and share photographs, etc. Students may call home from the office phone in urgent matters. In the case of an emergency or family crisis, students may make a call using a cell phone if, and only if, they are in the presence of a teacher or authorized staff member. Thank you for observing this policy and for instructing your children to do so.

Email is the best way to communicate with the teacher. Please allow 48 hours for teachers to respond to an email. Impromptu conferences during drop off, pick-up, social events, yard duty, or when a teacher/staff is in a supervisory or professional role should be avoided. Conferences regarding student progresses should be given the time and attention it deserves, and parents are encouraged to set up a conference time for that.

