Skip Navigation LinksSt. Cyril of Jerusalem > chapter-5-ACADEMICS > section-5-01-Curriculum > topic-5-01-4-Graduation Requirements

Coursework must be completed with a passing grade (above F) and behavior grade above D. A student who earns two or more F’s in their 8th grade year will be deemed to not have completed the prescribed academic expectations for graduation and will not be granted a diploma (students who fall into this category may still be able to walk at graduation). 

Graduation Fees must be paid. This fee covers the retreat, gowns, diploma and graduation ceremony. It does not cover any field trips the class may be taking, pictures or the Graduation Party. Please note that the 8th Grade Beach Safety Day Trip is NOT part of the fees paid. The school pays 50% of each student’s admission to Beach and the remaining amount for the trip will be billed to the parent/guardian in April/May. All tuition, other fees and service hours must be completed. This includes book fines, science fees, library fines, etc. prior to receiving the gown. Diplomas and report cards will only be given if all financial obligations have been met.

Dress Code for May Crowning/Graduation Mass and the Graduation ceremony will be given to the students prior to graduation, but a brief overview is included below.

• Boys: Long sleeve white shirt and tie, dress slacks and dress shoes and socks.

• Girls: Modest style and length dress and wearable, walkable shoes. The dress should have a back, modest front, and sleeves or straps three inches wide. A sweater may be worn to cover smaller straps. Make-up and nail polish must be very subtle.


