Conduct at Athletic Events


  • Must exemplify self-control and good sportsmanship.  All team members must always shake hands with their opponents at the game’s end.

  • Must never “cheer” when an opponent is hurt, or “taunt” an opponent for a mistake, failure to make a play, or for any other reason

  • Must not respond to unsportsmanlike conduct on the part of opponents or spectators

  • Must refrain from “dirty play” or vulgar language or gestures

  • Must take care of the equipment and facilities that are being used when playing at home and at a host school


Student Spectators

  • Are expected to be a good host and/or guest in relation to the opposing team

  • Are expected to behave in a way that is representative of the ideal St. Cyril of Jerusalem student

  • Exhibit the highest degree of good sportsmanship at all events.

  • Must never “cheer” when an opponent is hurt, or “taunt” an opponent for a mistake, failure to make a play, or for any other reason

  • Must not respond to unsportsmanlike conduct on the part of opponents or spectators

  • Must refrain from inappropriate language and behavior or gestures

  • Must take care of the facilities that are being used


  • Must insist that their children adhere to the highest standards of good sportsmanship on or off the playing field/court/pool

  • Must refrain from questioning the decisions of coaches and referees

  • Are expected to be good hosts and/or guests in relation to the opposing team

  • Exhibit the highest degree of good sportsmanship at all events.  Failure to comply will result in a suspension from the next event

  • Must never “cheer” when an opponent is hurt, or “taunt” an opponent for a mistake, failure to make a play, or for any other reason

  • Must not respond to unsportsmanlike conduct on the part of opponents or spectators

  • Must refrain from inappropriate language and behavior

  • Must take care of the facilities that are being used

