Skip Navigation LinksSt. Cyril of Jerusalem > chapter-8-DISCIPLINE > section-8-1-Philosophy > topic-8-1-01-Discipline and Procedures


St. Cyril students are expected to act as Jesus and be living models of our SLEs to Love God, Love Yourself, and to Love your Neighbors. Learning to behave in this manner is a process that begins with raising the students’ awareness of appropriate behaviors through direct teaching and modeling.  We also help individual students become aware of inappropriate behaviors and teach them more socially appropriate ways to behave. 

The goals of our expectations and procedures at St. Cyril School is to ensure an atmosphere where all students may learn and all teachers may teach. These expectations focus on the development of attitudes, behaviors, and self-awareness/self-discipline in students. It is imperative that a student has the ability to manage his/her own behavior, with respect for self and others, within the limits set by school policies and procedures. The goal is to improve students’ abilities to be responsible citizens at school and in the community.  Effective school discipline requires parents, students, and staff to work together to meet school expectations. When students have a clear sense of behavioral expectations, then the classroom becomes a true place of learning.  In addition, the interests of the school extend beyond the school day and beyond the school hours.

Parents are expected to review these guidelines with their children and cooperate with the school in holding their children accountable for compliance and for taking responsibility for their actions.

The following are general behaviors and responsibilities expected from our St. Cyril Students 

  1. Conduct yourself in such a manner that contributes to a positive school environment.

  2. Treat all others with respect, kindness and courtesy.

  3. Be affirming and encouraging to one another.

  4. Respect individual teacher/classroom rules.

  5. Respect and care for the entire school environment: spiritual, social, academic, and physical. 

  6. Avoid any activity that may be considered discriminatory, intimidating or harassing, hurtful, bullying, dangerous, or unwelcome.

  7. If you feel you are being harassed, inform the student who is harassing you to stop and that his/her behavior is offensive or unwelcome. 

  8. Report all incidents of discrimination, harassment or bullying to a faculty member.

  9. Come to school dressed according to the dress code.

  10. Use appropriate language at all times.

  11. Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself.

  12. Arrive on time to class and utilize passing periods effectively. 

  13. Keep your locker locked at all times. 

  14. Eat and drink in designated places at designated times.

  15. Clean up after yourself indoors and out.

  16. Place recyclables and trash in appropriate receptacles. 

  17. Leave each place a little neater (bathroom, classroom, yard, hall) than it was when you arrived.

  18. Submit assigned classwork and homework on time, neatly and legibly.

Grades K-5


A successful St. Cyril of Jerusalem student begins each trimester with 100 points for work habits grade and can lose or possibly gain points for any of the items listed below:

  1. Completes tasks on time/remains on task (1 pt)

  2. Works independently (1pt)

  3. Values own work (1pt)

  4. Shares with others (1 pt)

  5. Takes turns (1 pt)

  6. Listens attentively (1 pt)

  7. Follows directions (1 pt)

  8. Cleans up after work/playing (1 pt)

  9. Takes care of materials (1 pt)



A St. Cyril of Jerusalem  is a RESPONSIBLE CITIZEN and begins each trimester with 100 points for their behavior grade and can lose or possibly gain points for any of the items listed below:

1. Accepts responsibility and consequences for actions (**any below could result in additional disciplinary action)

  1. Demonstrates academic integrity by producing original work at all times (5 pts)

  2. Follows school dress code (1 pts)

  3. Respects school property and the property of others (2 pts)

  4. Takes personal responsibility for actions (2 pts)

2. Respects self and others (**any below could result in additional disciplinary action)

  1. Shows self-control (1 pts)

  2. Follows classroom rules (1 pts)

  3. Follows playground rules  (1 pts)

  4. Respects and accepts authority (2 pts) 

  5. Treats others with respect (3 pts)

  6. Plays and works well with others (2 pts)

  7. Grows in self-confidence and maturity (1 pt)

3. Makes healthy choices (**any below could result in additional disciplinary action)

  1. Follows school policies regarding health and safety (2 pts)

  2. Uses technology appropriately in all classes (2 pts)

Below you will find a list of possible​ consequences for students with repeated actions from above (K-5th).  

  • Points off for Behavior or Work Habits as listed above

  • Create awareness of inappropriate behavior

  • Warning

  • Time Out

  • Note/Call home/Conference

  • Suspension (in or out of school- automatic drop in a letter grade)

  • Expulsion

  • Damaged property: restoration or restitution is expected

**Positive rewards: Students can earn back points towards their grade throughout the trimester at teachers discretion.


Grades 6-8 


A successful St. Cyril of Jerusalem student begins each trimester with 100 points for work habits grade and can lose or possibly gain points for any of the items listed below:

  1. Arrives to class on time (1st infraction/1pt)

  2. Arrives to class with all necessary materials (1pt)

  3. Remains on task (1pt)

  4. Ensures cell phone is off and/or given to teacher (1 pt)

  5. Names assignments correctly (1 pt)

  6. Uploads assignments correctly (1 pt)


A St. Cyril of Jerusalem  is a RESPONSIBLE CITIZEN and begins each trimester with 100 points for their behavior grade and can lose or possibly gain points for any of the items listed below:

  1. Accepts responsibility and consequences for actions.

  1. Demonstrates academic integrity by producing original work at all times (10 pts)

  2. Refrains from unauthorized eating or chewing gum (1pt)

  3. Follows school dress code (1pt)

  4. Respects school property and the property of others (5pts)

  1. Respects self and others.  (**any below could result in additional disciplinary action)

 a. Exhibits self-control (1pt)

 b. Follows all classroom and school rules (1pt)

 c. Follows instructions from all adults in an appropriate

      manner (3pts)

 d. Uses appropriate language (3pts)

 e. Demonstrates good sportsmanship (2pts)

  1. Makes healthy choices. (**any below could result in additional disciplinary action)

a. Follows school policy regarding health and safety (5pts)

b. Uses technology appropriately in all classes (10pts) 

**Below you will find a list of possible​ consequences for students with repeated actions from above (6th-8th). 

  • Create awareness of inappropriate behavior

  • Warning

  • Removal from classroom

  • Being sent to office to meet with Administration

  • Parent/Student Conference

  • Parent/Student/Administration Conference

  • Suspension

  • Expulsion

  • Damaged property: restoration or restitution is expected

**Positive rewards: Students can earn back points towards their grade throughout the trimester at teachers discretion.

Expectations for Junior High Lockers are as follows:

  • Lockers will be used for storage of books, notebooks, clothing, lunch and other personal items.
  • Locks have to face forward and remain locked when not in use.
  • All exterior and interior decorations will be school appropriate and affixed with magnets only.
  • Locker combinations are not to be shared with peers.
  • Lockers should remain clean and organized.
  • Damaged locks from mishandling or dropping requires a $12.00 purchase for a new lock.
  • Students must cooperate with school staff when asked to open locker and comply with periodic locker checks.
  • If found in violation or mis-use of lockers, privilege of locker use will be taken away for a period of time as determined by teacher/administration.

Expectations for Junior High Ipads are as follows:
  • Ipads are to be used with care, respect and for their intended school purpose only.
  • Hands must be clean when using the iPads.
  • Do not remove the protective sheet on the screen.
  • Using an iPad is a privilege, therefore, students must be on the teacher-directed-application at all times. 
  • Ipads can be taken away and behavior grade will be affected during misuse of iPads.
  • iPads may not be used at the lockers, during recess or lunch or taken to the bathroom.
  • See separate SCJ iPad policy for complete iPad guidelines.

​K-8 School-Wide Consequences 

The following behaviors are considered unbecoming of a St. Cyril Student and will result in immediate consequences:

  • Unauthorized leaving of campus between the hours of 6:45 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.

  • Fighting, teasing, bullying, hazing, name-calling, shunning, purposefully excluding, rude or aggressive behavior in person or electronically

  • Defacing or destroying property

  • Bringing or selling of drugs or weapons  

  • Willful or persistent failure to comply with any school regulation will be considered defiance and treated as serious 

  • Inappropriate use of cameras, phones, other electronic devices, or the internet

  • Consequences are not limited to only the behaviors listed


*The goal of student discipline is to learn appropriate ways to handle emotions and behavior while fostering healthy constructive lifetime skills and habits. Specific consequences for inappropriate actions may be determined at the discretion of the teacher in collaboration with the administration.  

Impact on the individual, on others, and on the general atmosphere will be taken into consideration.  Consequences will correspond with the age of the student and the seriousness of the behavior. Repeatedly engaging in the same inappropriate behavior will additionally be deemed as willful disobedience/defiance and be subject to a more severe consequence. Unwillingness to change behavior will ensure escalation in the severity of consequences.

