When a student becomes ill or is injured, the parent or guardian will be contacted immediately. If the parent or guardian cannot be reached, another person listed on the emergency card will be contacted. Only minor and very basic first aid will be administered to students at school; no secondary treatment, such as changing or removing bandages, will be administered. Parents or guardians will be contacted immediately if there is any question regarding the seriousness of or complications arising from an injury. No medicine of any kind, including aspirin, may be given to students without written permission from parents/guardians. See Medication Authorization and Permission Form​​

Each student shall have an Emergency Card that is complete, current, and readily available to the school. The student’s parent or guardian is required to inform the school when there are changes to a home, cell or work phone number or address, the names of persons to notify in case of an emergency, or to any medication prescriptio​n for a student. The Emergency Card shall indicate whether or not the parent or guardian gives the school permission to choose a physician in an emergency. In case of emergency, the Emergency Card will be shown to the paramedics or emergency room staff to authorize treatment, and to advise them if a student has any particular medical needs or is on medication. Therefore, it is imperative that the information be accurate, complete, and up-to-date. 

