Extended School Daycare

St. James-Holy Redeemer School offers extended after school daycare every day we are in session from dismissal time until 6:00 p.m., including early dismissal days. Daycare fees are listed with the tuition rates.
Students may not remain on the school premises after school hours without proper supervision. Therefore, students who have not been picked up within 10 minutes after the end of the school day and are not involved in a properly supervised activity such as sports, tutoring, etc., will automatically be sent to Daycare. Likewise, students who have not been picked up within 10 minutes of the end of any extracurricular activities will also be sent to Daycare. St. James - ​Holy Redeemer School offers after-school daycare every day that school is in session from dismissal time until 6:00 p.m., including early dismissal days (unless otherwise announced by the principal).

Rainy Day Pick-up Procedure

During inclement weather (rain, strong winds, hail, etc.) the school may decide to implement the "rainy day" pick-up procedure. On such an occasion there will be no cones indicating lanes in the parking lot. Those picking up students should park in any of the marked parking spaces in the lot. The parent or guardian should then proceed to the child's classroom to pick up the child in person from his or her teacher. Students may not be picked up by other students or anyone under 18 and may not be called to come to the parking lot via cell phone or any other means.


·       Bicycle riders must always walk their bikes on and off the school grounds. Failure to do so will result in a warning the first time, and the second time the student will be prohibited from riding his/her bicycle to school until a conference with his/her parents can be arranged.
·       Bicycles should be locked in the bicycle rack during the school day.
·       Students found tampering with bicycles will receive a detention.
·       Taking or riding a bicycle without permission is not allowed.
·       St. James-Holy Redeemer School is not responsible for damage to or loss of bicycles brought to school.

 Skateboards/Roller Blades/ Roller Skates

Riding skateboards, roller blades and roller skates is NOT PERMITTED on school or church property.

Walking Home from School

Students who walk or ride a bicycle home after school must have a signed letter of permission from their parents/guardians on file in the school office. This letter of permission must be renewed yearly.

Leaving Campus During Lunchtime

No child is to leave the school grounds during lunchtime unless he/she is accompanied by the parent, guardian or other designated adult and has been signed out in the office.​

