Skip Navigation LinksSt. Jane Frances de Chantal School > chapter-6-CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES AND ATHLETICS > section-6-12-Athletics > topic-6-12-10-Coach/Trainer Certification [Play Like a Champion]


The coach in the CYO plays a vital role in the student athlete’s experience in team sports. CYO views each
coach as a youth minister in a Catholic environment. In light thereof, each coach shall act, speak and
dress in a manner consistent with the accepted code of Catholic Christian morality and professional ethics
as based on the Code of Ethics as outlined by the ADLA, Department of Catholic Elementary Schools.

The following is a list of requirements and responsibilities for individuals to coach a team with a CYO
 A Head Coach must be at least eighteen years of age and have completed the ADLA Coaches
Certification Program (see Section 3 below).
 First Aid and CPR Certification is strongly recommended and a coach should have access to a first
aid kit at all practices and games.
 A coach must maintain all emergency medical information for each student athlete at all practices
and games.
 A coach is required to review, understand and abide by the underlying policies, procedures, rules
and regulations contained in this Governing Manual.
 A coach must have a basic understanding of the rules of the sport/competition they are coaching,
including the Athletic Event Competition Rules for the sport he/she is coaching, contained in the
 A coach must ensure that all equipment and playing fields (to include weather conditions) are safe
and in accordance with this Governing Manual, including the Athletic Event Competition Rules.
 A coach is responsible for the conduct and supervision of the student athletes and the spectators
for his/her team as well as supporting the officials' decisions during the game. In light of this,
prior to the start of the season for any Athletic Event, CYO recommends that each coach conduct a
meeting for the parents of the student athletes on his/her team to ensure that everyone thoroughly
understands the policies, procedures, rules and regulations contained herein.
 A coach is ineligible to coach or assist more than one team in the same conference and shall not
officiate a game in his/her conference unless approved by coaches of both teams.
 A coach shall not appear in an intoxicated condition or have in his/her possession any alcoholic
beverage or illegal substance.
 A coach shall not verbally or physically abuse or assault anyone or threaten to physically attack
 A coach will also take seriously their role as a mandatory reporter of suspected child abuse.
A coach ejected from an Athletic Event will automatically be suspended for a minimum of the next two
conference games, play-off games or competitions. If the ejection occurs in the last game of the season,
any penalty will carry over until the next game individual is coaching.
Any individual who coaches a team without a coach’s certification card and is ejected from an Athletic
Event, such individual will not be allowed to coach for the remainder of the school year and will not be
reinstated for the following school year until he or she obtains a Coaching Certification Card.
If a coach is ejected during the last game/competition of the season, the suspension will carry over to the
next sport/competition he/she coaches. A School Administrator must notify the CYO of any ejection within
twenty-four hours. A suspended Coach who participates in a game/competition will cause that
game/competition to be declared a forfeit and he/she will be subject to disciplinary action by CYO.
Schools may utilize minors as young as 16 to act as Assistant Coaches provided they meet the following
requirements verified by Administrator: (i) are actively involved with their Parish, (ii) are in good standing
academically (min 2.0 GPA) and socially, (iii) have playing experience in the desired sport, (iv) attend PLC
Coaches Certification Class ($25 fee waived), (v) complete and submit ADLA Volunteering with Children or
Youth Form (Appendix P), (vi) report time served for community service requirements at their high school.
Any minor who is enlisted to coach must be supervised by an adult at all times when in contact with the
student athletes.


In 2006, the ADLA requested that all coaches involved with the after-school sports program of an
Archdiocesan school be trained with respect to three areas: (1) Safe boundaries with the youth; (2)
Health and safety concerns; and (3) Character development of all participants. At the request of the
ADLA, CYO researched various programs and recommended the PLC program created by the Center for
Ethical Education at the University of Notre Dame. The ADLA accepted the recommendation and in the
fall of 2006, CYO introduced the PLC workshop as part of its coaching certification program.
Prior to coaching or assisting in any practice, game or competition of any sort for a School, an individual
must obtain either a Coaching Certification Card or a Temporary Coaching Certification Card.
PLC certification is mandatory for all coaches who are actively involved at coaching with a School in ADLA.
CYO will offer training and certification to any coach that is active with a School that participates in CYO
and/or its’ affiliated programs and partners as per Article III, Section 1.
In order to obtain a Coaching Certification Card, the coach must fulfill the requirements listed under the
Temporary Coaching Certification Card AND attend the Archdiocesan Coaching Certification Program, PLC
workshop. The Coaching Certification Card is valid for two (2) years from the date of the workshop
In order to obtain a Coaching Certification Card, the following requirements must be fulfilled:
 Sign the Coaches Conduct form (see Appendix E) and submit to CYO;
 Obtain live scan fingerprinting and submit a Fingerprint Verification form signed by the principal of
the School (see Appendix F); and
 Attend PLC Course
 Submit a $30 processing fee made payable to CYO
Upon receipt of all these items, CYO will issue a Coaching Certification Card that allows the individual to
coach or assist in any practice or game.
Coaches may receive a Temporary Coaching Certification Card which is valid for only four (4) weeks from
the date that CYO receives the required three items listed previously.
All coaches are required to have in their possession a valid CYO Certification Card during any CYO game or
competition in which they are coaching. A game official, Competition Director, CYO Staff or a certified
coach from the opposing team may request to see a CYO Certification Card prior to or after a
game/competition. If a card is not presented, the coach will be declared ineligible to coach. If a CYO
certified coach from the School is not present, the team will be declared ineligible and the
game/competition will be declared a forfeit. CYO recommends that coaches carry their CYO Certification
Card or a photo image of the Card with them at all times to avoid any problems.
Letters signed by a School Administrator will not be accepted in lieu of a CYO Certification Card.
Replacement of a destroyed, lost or stolen CYO Certification Card requires a $10.00 processing fee. CYO
Certification Cards are non-transferable. Violation of this section will result in immediate expulsion from
the CYO program. CYO reserves the right to revoke any CYO Certification Card at any time and to refuse
to certify anyone it deems unfit.​

