Skip Navigation LinksSanta Rosa de Lima Elementary School > chapter-4-ADMISSION AND ATTENDANCE > section-4-08-Arrival/Dismissal Procedures

 Arrival/Dismissal Procedures ​

Parents should exercise caution in the parking lot at all times. The speed limit should be 10 mph or less. Parents are invited to join the students and teachers at morning assembly. However, if they park before dropping their children off, they are responsible for their children’s safety. They should keep their children near them and hold the hands of younger children. The car line directives should be followed at all times. 
  • During after school pick-up, all adults should remain in the designated area for parents unless they have specific business in the office or a conference with a teacher. 
  • Students should remain in their assigned areas until their carpool arrives. 
  • Students should be picked up by 3:00 pm M-Th and by 1:15 pm on Fridays. Students who are still on campus after these times will be taken to extended care. Also, if a student is not picked up within ten minutes after an after-school activity has ended he/she will be taken to extended care. 

Walking Home 
Students walking home must be in Grades 6-8 or at least 12 years of age, have parent authorization on file and must sign out with a designated staff member. 

Bike riding will NOT be allowed. ​

