Field Trip and Excursion Policy 

Curricular Trips 
Curricular trips, which are educationally sound and important ingredients in the instructional program of the school, supplement and enrich the curriculum by providing learning experiences in an environment beyond the classroom. They are considered to be “classrooms off-campus”. Curricular trips are limited to one day in duration and to a distance that can be conveniently traveled in that time. Safety is paramount, therefore procedures are in place to ensure and maximize the safety of each student. 

The following procedures are in place: 
  • A certified bus company is used that has busses equipped with seatbelts. 
  • A sufficient but limited amount of parent chaperones are chosen through a lottery to ensure order for the teacher.
  • Chaperones MUST have VIRTUS training, be fingerprinted, and have TB clearance to work with and/or accompany the children on these excursions. 
  • Chaperones are dispersed throughout the bus to ensure safety and order. Teachers place students in assigned groups with a chaperone. 
  • Students are not allowed to sit at “Emergency” exits. 
  • Emergency bags are brought on the trip. They include every student’s emergency information and contact information, along with a first aid kit. Medications for students who have medical releases from the doctor are​ also in the bag. (The teacher is in charge of the bag). 
  • Students needing to use the restroom at the site MUST be accompanied by a chaperone. 
  • The teacher must be in contact with the school; they are instructed to call the school when they arrive, when they depart, and if any concern arises.
  • Students are given instructions prior to and during the trip about the expectations of behavior while on the bus and at the site. 
  • Parents may not drive and meet their child on a curricular trip. The school expects cooperation from parents in this matter. 
  • Any student not attending a curricular trip, regardless of the circumstances, will be assigned a project/report relating to the curricular trip. 

