Skip Navigation LinksSanta Rosa de Lima Elementary School > chapter-7-TUITION AND FEES > section-7-4-Parent Service and Fundraising Requirements

Parent Service and Fundraising Requirements

As members of the school community, school families are expected to share their time, talents, and resources to help support the efforts of the school in educating their children. This involvement provides opportunities for direct involvement in the education process, and also makes it possible to reduce the costs of tuition. For these reasons it is expected that each family perform 20 hours per family of mandatory service to the school community (or otherwise meet its obligation as noted below) which includes 6 hours of required service (per family) to the annual Santa Rosa de Lima Parish Fiesta. 

  • All families are required to complete 30 hours per family of service to the school/parish ministry connected with the school or pay $25 per hour towards incomplete service hours. 
  • Six of the hours must be working at the Parish Fiesta. 
  • Four of the hours must be completed working a Sunday Taco Sale. 
  • All hours of service must be completed by May 15, 2019 

In order to maintain tuition at the most reasonable level possible each family must commit to support certain fundraising opportunities that are designated to directly fund the educational program at the school. These fundraising opportunities are designed to provide each family (particularly families with limited resources) the possibility to raise funds on their own to meet current educational costs not covered by tuition. 

The fundraising obligation can be met in many different ways, such as: 
  • A cash (or check) donation to the school 
  • Obtaining pledges for the Jog-A-Thon 
  • Supporting other School / Parent/Parish Committee fundraisers  
  • Soliciting of 3rd party donations to the school (e.g., corporate donations, employer-matched charitable contributions, etc.; donation solicitation letters available in the office) 

Fundraising Obligation: $200.00 per family 
  • Fundraising obligations must be completed by May 15, 2018. 
  • Each Family is responsible for purchasing/selling 2 Casino Tickets 
  • Each Family is responsible for selling two boxes of chocolate or donating $60.00 (the profit from selling two boxes of chocolate). 
  • NOTE: Incomplete fundraising will be charged to the family’s Smart Tuition account.​

