​​Every Thursday, a family bulletin is sent home with the oldest or only child in each family.  Please expect this important communication. Your signature verifies that you have read all materials and are aware of school functions and activities. By being informed of all school functions and events, you save the secretary time for other office work.

There is a $1.00 charge for replacement of the Thursday envelope. If you lose or misplace your envelope, please contact the office. A $5.00 fine will be applied for more than 2 replacement envelopes each trimester. 


Any parent/guardian or other person whose conduct in a place where a school employee is required to be in the course of his/her duties materially disrupts class work or extracurricular activities or involves substantial disorder is guilty of a misdemeanor. This statement does not apply to any otherwise lawful employee concerted activity, including but not limited to, picketing and the distribution of handbills.

Any parent/guardian or other family member who upbraids, insults, or abuses the principal, staff member, or any teacher of the school is risking their child/ren’s continuation in the school.

Any parent/guardian, or other person who insults or abuses the principal, staff member, or teacher in the presence of other school personnel, students or parents and at a place which is on school premises or public sidewalks, streets, or other public ways adjacent to school premises or at some other place if the principal or teacher is required to be at such other place in connection with assigned school activities, risks the continuation of their child in the school.

