Canvas is used by teachers for grading assignments and may be accessed by parents to monitor your child(ren)’s academic progress. We encourage parents to sign up as an observer to your child’s account. If you need help creating an account or navigating Canvas, please contact the school office. 


Progress reports are sent home three times a year. This is to inform parents of students’ performance in academic subjects, conduct, work habits, and adaptive software progress. The dates for progress reports are noted on the monthly calendar. It is the responsibility of the student to get the missing assignments from the teacher if he or she has been absent or missing from class. The student must make up the work within the time designated by the teachers. 


Report cards are given out three times a year at the end of each trimester. Report cards must be signed and returned to the teacher as soon as possible. If you find it necessary to contact a teacher for a conference, please call the office (323) 261-0583 and make an appointment. No teacher may be interrupted before school or during class time to confer with parents. 

