Acceptable (Boys)
-Hair that is neat, clean and moderate, of the student’s natural color, that does not extend to the collar, does not extend over the eyebrow when combed forward, and does not extend over the middle of the ear; Haircut length differences must be blended; One step is allowed provided hair length difference is no greater than 3/4 inch and there are no shaved areas;
-Sideburns should be clean cut, no wider than one inch, and must not extend below the ear.
-Face should be clean- shaven at all times, every day.
Unacceptable (Boys)
-Mohawks or Faux-Hawks;
-Bleached or dyed hair, exaggerated styles (Mohawk style, spikes, tails, excessive use of gels or spray);
- -hair extending below the eyebrow or middle ear; hair over collar in length; more than one step; step difference of greater than 3/4 inch. FREE DRESS - DRESS CODE Students are not allowed to wear: sleeveless shirts, baggy oversized pants, ripped jeans, Skirts or shorts more than 2 inches above the knee, sandals, and inappropriate graphic t-shirts.
Uniforms are available at Red Dot Uniforms 10932 Main St. El Monte, CA 91731 (626)401-2923
PE uniforms are available at Jaliscos Sporting Goods 14300 W. Ramona Blvd. Baldwin Park, CA 91706 (626)338-9338