
Cell Phones, Headphones/Earbuds, and Smartwatches

We recognize that parents provide their children with cell phones for safety reasons.  Therefore, we understand that students will bring their cell phones to school.  Other than that, cell phones must remain turned off and stowed away during the school day.

Cell phones and other portable communication devices may be brought to school if the Acceptable Use Policy/Permission slip is signed by both student and parent and turned into the school.  Students may not have any apps that are rated “13 and over" or marked “explicit content" with the exception of Google.

Cell phones/electronics must be turned off and put away into the classroom's designated area upon entering any classroom throughout the school day. Cell phones/electronics must not be heard nor seen during instructional time. If a cell phone is out or is heard (i.e. ring, alarm, vibration) during instructional time, the discipline policy is enforced. If a student leaves class to use the restroom, they will keep their phone in the classroom for the duration that they are out of class. 

Cell phones, electronics, and smartwatches that are being used to make calls, text (parents or peers) or play games during the day will be confiscated and returned to parent and student at the end of the day.  

Students are not to call, text, or message their family members during the school day. If students need to reach a member of their family, they can use one of the phones in the main office, classroom (supervised by a teacher or staff member), or health office.


Personal headphones and earbuds are also prohibited during transitions due to safety concerns. Headphones and earbuds prohibit students from hearing announcements, requests in case of emergency, etc.  Headphones and earbuds will only be used for specific class assignments that are approved by the teacher or administrator.

It is not the goal of the school to confiscate a student's cell phone, however, cell phones should not be exposed or used inappropriately, and cell phones should not be used to cause a distraction to the learning environment. Students will be asked to put the cell phone away if exposed in the classroom without permission.

1st Offense:  Verbal request to put phone away (Warning) 

2nd Offense: Phone confiscation with parent/student phone pick-up 

3rd Offense: Parent/student phone pick-up and 2 after school detentions will be assigned

*****Further issues may result in further disciplinary action.

***Any personal electronic device brought by students is the responsibility of the student. Holy Name of Mary School will not be held liable for any lost, damaged, or stolen devices. Parents are encouraged to purchase insurance on student devices.  The school will NOT pay to replace devices that are lost, misplaced, or stolen after they are confiscated and WILL not pay for any communication charges.

***HNM would like to ensure that parents and students are aware that making an audio and/or video recording while on school grounds or during a school-sponsored activity without permission from school or district staff is a violation of school rules. In addition, a recording made without permission in a classroom is a violation of California Education Code 51512, and a recording made of a confidential conversation or in a private setting without consent is a violation of California Penal Code 632.

School Devices

Students are responsible for bringing their fully charged device to school each day; unless specifically instructed not to do so by their teacher. iPads are to be used at school or at home for school purposes only. 

 The following actions are NOT permitted on school-issued iPads:

  • Attempting to bypass or bypassing the Internet filter.
  • Accessing or attempting to access social media sites and computer games without specific permission from a teaching or administrative staff member.
  • Physically altering or disassembling a computer or school issued device in any way.
  • Accessing or attempting to access inappropriate material on the Internet.
  • Giving your username and password to another student to use
  • Playing video games during school hours.
    (Remember - the student is responsible for whatever they do with your account!)

Any of these violations could lead to any or a combination of the following:

    • Removal of take home privileges.
    • Permanent removal of school technology privileges.
    • Financial payment for damages.
    • Other consequences deemed necessary.

Portable communication devices may be used at after-school sports activities that are not conducted in the school, provided they do not interfere with the activity of the school operations, and with coaches' or parent's supervision and permission.

Students may use devices only before and after school with parent supervision and permission.  Devices are not to be used during Kids Club.

***Failure to comply with the General Policies listed above may result in the loss of 1:1 privileges for a time period to be determined by the school administration or additional consequences.​