


A student may not leave the school before the regular dismissal time without a written request from a parent or guardian.  The request must state the reason for the early dismissal.

No student may leave the school grounds unless he/she has written parental permission and is accompanied by an authorized adult.  All appointments should be scheduled outside of school hours if at all possible. 

If it is necessary for a student to leave the school grounds for an appointment or other reason, a parent/guardian must notify the teacher in writing on the morning of the appointment.  Parents should stop by the office first to have the student called from class.  The student can then meet their parent/guardian at the health room where they can be signed out.  Students are not to be asked to wait outside the school for these appointments.  THEY MUST BE PICKED UP AT THE HEALTH ROOM.

A medical or dental excuse from the doctor or dentist for any appointment should be returned to school with the student  - -without this medical/dental note, the student's absence cannot be credited as a medically excused absence.   

If a student is absent for three consecutive school days because of a personal illness, the student must bring a statement from a doctor or health clinic ​verifying the illness or condition that caused the absence.  

Sign in and Sign Out​

All authorized representatives shall sign the student in and out of the school, using his or her full legal signature and shall record the time of day.  All sign in/sign out sheets are kept for one month.

Removal of Students from School During School Hours

No agency, organization, or person other than a parent or guardian who has custody or a delegated school employee is allowed to take a student from the school premises during school hours or immediately before or after school.

 Exceptions to this rule may be made only:

  • By the parent or guardian, when properly identified 
  • Upon the written request of the parent or guardian after proper verification 
  • By properly identified law enforcement officers when an arrest is made 
  • By properly identified representatives of law enforcement agencies, in case of emergency, as determined by the principal  

​Legally, the responsibility of notifying the parent or guardian of a student taken from the school by a law enforcement officer or representative of a law enforcement agency rests with the law enforcement officer. However, the principal of the school should also immediately inform the student's parent or guardian except when a minor has been taken into custody as a victim of suspected child abuse, as defined in Section 11165 of the Penal Code or pursuant to Section 305 of the Welfare and Institutions Code.

