Skip Navigation LinksHoly Name of Mary School > chapter-6-CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES AND ATHLETICS > section-6-02-School Field Trips and Excursions

​​Field T​rips

Please refer to the ADLA Administrative Handbook:  ​Field Trip Policies​

Field Trips

Field trips are a wonderful educational opportunity.  Unfortunately, upon occasion, the behavior of some of the students becomes disruptive to the volunteer driver, the educator and/or the docent.  Our school philosophy calls each of us to be respectful and courteous at all times.  To insure the safety and to facilitate the educational experience of each student, Holy

Name of Mary School has developed the following accountability for students on field trips:

  • Behavior that is severe will have an immediate response, such as a ​​call to a parent or the principal and when possible, the student will be sent back to school.
  • We may recommend that the student, who has difficulty listening and/or following directions in the classroom, have a parent accompany them on field trips.
  • If a student's behavior has been disruptive on past field trips, the child will only attend a field trip if accompanied by a parent.
  • If no parent is available to attend the trip, the child will stay at school.  
Throughout the year field trips are scheduled to offer students an opportunity to widen their experiences.  Permission slips are required for these trips.  We can only accept the official school written permission.  Absolutely no phone permission will be accepted.

Although there is a fee charged for field trips, the amount is not adequate to pay for buses for all events.  Sometimes it is necessary for parents to provide transportation for these outings.   No children other than those enrolled in HNM School are permitted to attend field trips.  Parents' generosity and cooperation are asked in order to keep this program going.

Requirements for adults who drive for field trips, after school sports, or any school related event, are as follows:
  • Parent/guardian volunteers driving students in their own cars must be at least 25 years of age, have a clean driving record for the past three years, a valid Class C driver's license and current, valid California automobile insurance at least $100,000/$300,000.  Each vehicle must have individual seat belts for each student.  A  copy of the parent/guardian's driver's license and insurance declaration page must be on file at the school;
  • Be fingerprinted and Virtus trained according to the guidelines of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.  A copy of the Virtus Adult Training Certificate must be on file with the principal;
  • Follow the directions of the supervising teacher;
  • Drive directly to and from the field trip location without making unscheduled stops while students are in the car;
  • Not take siblings on field trips;
  • No private, non-charted vehicle, including vans, with more than nine seats may be used;
  • Parents may not send friends or relatives to serve as drivers in their place;
  • The driver is liable for any car accident while driving students.
Drivers should be aware that their auto insurance will be used before any Archdiocesan insurance comes into play.

 If you are a chaperone on a school field trip:
  • Please arrive promptly at the appointed time, and check in at the office.
  • Wear comfortable and appropriate clothing for the particular destination.
  • Wear comfortable walking shoes.
  • Remember to bring a sack lunch for yourself if the trip includes a picnic time.
  • Remember that you are the authority figure and responsible for a group of students.
  • Do not use this time to socialize with other parents on the trip.
  • Remember, when tour guides are talking to the students, pay attention quietly.
  • Inform the teacher of problems – either involving students or others.
  • Be proactive when chaperoning, and step in if there is a need for discipline.
  • No siblings or visitors are allowed on the trip; the students need your undivided attention.​

