
​Communications Procedures

All parent conferences must be conducted within the guidelines set out in the Code of Christian Conduct Covering Students and Parents/Guardians.

Issues relating to your child in matters that fall under the control of the teacher must be discussed with the teacher first before the matter is discussed with anyone else. You are requested to do all in your power to verify facts through the correct channels of communication, to prevent passing on misinformation.

All teacher conferences are held by appointment only. You may schedule an appointment by either contacting the office (offering times when it would be convenient for you) or by sending a note to the teacher and requesting an appointment. No teacher is expected to meet with parents at recess, at lunchtime, or before or after school without an appointment. It is professional courtesy on both the parts of the parent and the teacher to be informed about the reason for the appointment beforehand. If parents or teachers feel the need for a meeting with the principal after the initial meeting, an appointment may be made with the front office. The principal is available for consultation, by appointment, only after the matter has been discussed with the classroom teacher.

Parents or guardians are expected to attend a parent conference at the end of the first trimester to receive the first report card and discuss the students progress. Parents/guardians will have the opportunity to sign up for these conferences in advance and will be offered at varied times over a number of days.