
​Any allergy information shall be noted on the student's medical record and their student emergency card, both of which will be kept on file in the school office. Likewise, necessary medication for the student shall be kept with the office and/or the nurse.

​​​Student Emergency Card

​​The Emergency Card for each student shall be complete and current, must be readily available to authorized employees, and shall indicate whether or not the parents/guardians have given the school permission to choose a physician in an emergency.

At the beginning of each school year as well as mid-year, the Emergency Card for each student should be completed by the parents/guardians. Subsequently, the parents/guardians must inform the school when there are changes to key information, including addresses for home or work, phone numbers, names of persons to notify in case of an emergency, or medication prescriptions for the student.

In case of an emergency, the Emergency Card should be shown to the paramedics or emergency room staff in order to authorize treatment and advise them if a student has any particular medical needs or is on medication. Therefore, it is imperative that the Emergency Card information be accurate, complete, and current. Parents/guardians are required to update information about any medication the student takes on a regular basis.

When a student becomes ill or injured, the parents/guardians must be contacted immediately. If the parents/guardians cannot be reached, the school shall contact another person listed on the Emergency Card.