

Homework is a necessary part of the learning process.  It strengthens the skills learned in school and develops good study habits.  Homework may be assigned on a daily basis.  Students in the upper grades may also have long-term assignments.  The approximate time allowed for each grade is based on the average student’s ability to complete assignments during a concentrated time period.

           Grades TK, K: Not to exceed ½ hour

     Grades 1, 2: Not to exceed ½ hour             Plus 20minutes of independent reading

Grades 3, 4: Not to exceed one hour

Grades 5-8: Not to exceed two hours

Please make sure that your child is doing the homework as is assigned and that the entire assigned homework is completed.  Children tend to feel that they “don’t have any homework” if the homework is not written.  Quiet study is as important as written work.  Please help your child study for tests. Students are required to write their homework into their planner daily. Planners can be purchased in the office for $10. Students in grade 2nd -8th must have a planner. Parents must sign the planner weekly.

Parents can assist children in the following ways:

  • Provide a quiet place for homework

  • Provide assistance with organization when needed

  • Check for completeness, neatness and accuracy

  • Encourage your child 

  • Listen to your child read or recite work

  • Help your child for test by daily study

  • Signing and checking planner to indicate completion​

