Students are required to record their daily homework assignments in their homework planners. Parents are encouraged to examine and sign these notebooks and review their child(ren)’s finished homework each day. Parents should also provide a quiet atmosphere for children during homework time. Homework should not be done with the TV or radio on. Parents are strongly encouraged to check with the teacher if their child(ren) is frequently coming home without homework. 

Homework serves a valid purpose when it:

  1. Provides essential practice in needed skills.
  2. Trains pupils in good work habits.
  3. Affords opportunities for increasing self-direction.
  4. Enriches and expands school experiences.
  5. Helps children learn to budget time.
  6. Promotes growth in responsibility and organizational skills.

Please Note: These guidelines are average. Some students may complete their homework in less time. Others may require more time. Regular homework assignments are given Monday through Friday evenings. Consistent effort and conscientious attention to both written and unwritten assignments are the most effective contributions to student achievement. 

“Extra Credit” reports prepared during the last days of grading period cannot substitute for consistent effort and achievement throughout the marking period.

