Skip Navigation LinksMaria Regina School > chapter-6-CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES AND ATHLETICS > section-6-12-Athletics > topic-6-12-03-Selection Process/Requirements for Participation



Participation in the CYO is available to all Catholic elementary schools under the jurisdiction of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles (ADLA). A Sc​hool must register its team(s) for a conference or competition event by a stated deadline. By registering, the school will be incorporated into to the desired CYO sports and, in turn, agrees to abide by the Governing Manual.

Students who are selected to be members of a team must maintain a minimum grade point average of 2.0 in each subject, as well as a C+ in behavior and at least an S in effort/work habits. The athletic director will post an eligibility list after each grading period (midterm and end of the trimester). Failure to achieve and maintain the minimum requirements may result in loss of team membership until the student can be re-evaluated at the next progress report or report card time.

Students in sports are expected to follow school rules at all times, especially respect for others (peers a​nd adults). Players must have a signed parent permission form on file and pay the athletic fee for each sport BEFORE attending pre-season practice. Any team member who receives a discipline slip (detention or pink slip) the week of a game may not play in the game (at principal’s discretion).​

