Skip Navigation LinksMaria Regina School > chapter-8-DISCIPLINE > section-8-1-Philosophy > topic-8-1-04-Behavior Agreement/Probation


Teachers are not expected to tolerate any form of disrespect or bad behavior.  Neither should any class have to tolerate a lesson being interrupted by a disruptive classmate. If a teacher deems it necessary, a student may receive a DISCIPLINARY REFERRAL FORM (pink slip). The form will indicate the behavior or infraction; the child will then be referred to the principal or vice-principal. There, the student will be counseled, and then the form goes home for parent’s signature. The form MUST BE SIGNED and returned the next school day.  If a parent wishes, a conference can be arranged, but the form must be returned signed. A child CANNOT be allowed to return to class until the form is signed.  

If a child receives three of these forms (pink slips), he or she will be automatically suspended from school for at least two (2) days. The number of days a student is suspended for is the prerogative of the principal and is determined by the principal at her discretion. (There are circumstances that are grounds for immediate suspension, even if no prior pink slip has been issued, for example: fighting, cheating or harassment.) Before the child returns to school, a conference must be scheduled with the principal and the parent(s). At the conference, the child will be placed on probation.

Once a student has been placed on probation, it is possible that he/she may not participate in extracurricular activities and field trips. Such is at the discretion of the teacher(s) and principal, based on the child’s class performance, behavior, and previous record.  

When a student is placed on probation, he or she agrees to make the necessary changes in behavior, grades, effort, and attitude to be a successful student at Maria Regina School. Both the parent and student must submit a written statement to withdraw the child from the school if the terms of probation are not met accordingly. If a child receives three or more pink slips after being placed on probation, it will be cause for withdrawal or expulsion from Maria Regina School.

The probation form MUST BE SIGNED and returned to school the following day.  A child will not be allowed to return to class until the form is signed.

These disciplinary measures follow the archdiocesan policies on discipline (see below).

