Skip Navigation LinksBishop Alemany High School > chapter-8-DISCIPLINE > section-8-1-Philosophy > topic-8-1-07-Academic Dishonesty Policy

14. Violation of Academic Integrity Policy
Plagiarize: steal and pass off as one’s own the ideas or words of another. 2. to commit literary theft. 3. to present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source.
Source: Webster’s Third New International Dictionary

If a student copies work from another student or assists another student with copying:
• The teacher will confiscate the material from both parties involved.
• Both students will receive a zero for the assignment.
• The teacher will write up an academic integrity report and turn in materials and report to the appropriate disciplinary Dean.

1st offense: one hour Saturday detention
2nd offense: two hours on each of the two consecutive Saturdays
3rd offense: Step Three Probation

If a student cheats on an exam or quiz, or aids another student during an exam without expressed permission from the teacher, or uses any unauthorized aid:
• The teacher will confiscate any material
• Student will receive a zero on the exam or quiz.
• The teacher will contact the parent.
• The teacher will write up an academic integrity report and turn in materials and report to the appropriate disciplinary Dean.
1st offense: Step Three Probation (Quiz); Possible Step Four Strict Probation (Test/Final Exam)
2nd offense: Step Four Strict Probation (Quiz); Possible Dismissal (Test/Final Exam)
3rd offense: Subject to dismissal regardless of the number of semesters between the 1st and 3rd incident

If a student uses, purchases, or blatantly plagiarized the work of any other person with or without the expressed permission of the owner of the work (using another person’s words, images, or ideas without giving that person credit):
• The teacher will confiscate any necessary material
• Student will receive a zero on the assignment.
• The teacher will contact the parent.
• The teacher will write up an academic integrity report and turn it in with the materials to the appropriate disciplinary Dean.

1st offense: 
Step Three Probation
Step Four Strict Probation (action taken depends on the severity of the offence and is at the discretion of the Dean or administrator).

2nd offense: 
The student will be subject to dismissal regardless of the number
of semesters from the 1st to the 2nd incident; the Studies office will denote plagiarism on the official school transcript of the student

Note: The Bishop Alemany High School Academic Integrity Policy will view violations on a case-by-case review, with disciplinary consequences up to and including expulsion with a permanent note on the student’s transcript.

If a student has a combination of violations of academic integrity for an academic year, the student may appear before the Discipline Board and face dismissal from Bishop Alemany High School.

