Report Cards

Parents/Guardians will be notified of their child's progress by a report card issued during the year. Grades 1 thru 8 will receive a report card three times a year.  Kindergarten students will receive reports on progress twice a year. Teachers will explain how the overall school grading policy is applied to their class during Back-to-School Night (usually includes a handout).

Progress Reports​

Progress reports will be sent to parents at midterm for any student in danger of receiving a "D" or below on pending report cards. Dates for progress reports are shown on the calendar.  Progress reports may also be sent home in the Parent Envelope when deemed necessary or by individual request from a parent/guardian.

Academic Probation

Students receiving a "D" or "F" in a subject area will be placed on academic probation. A probation contract, outlining expectations and a timeline for improvement, may be implemented. 

