Skip Navigation LinksSt. Bernard High School > chapter-2-GENERAL INFORMATION > section-2-16-School Governance > topic-2-16-3-Additional School governance information


General Procedures

Grievance Procedure

Concern for the dignity and rights of each individual is intrinsic to the Church’s mission as a true witness to the spirit of the Gospel. When conflict reconciliation at the school level has been impeded, information about a complaint review process can be obtained from the Principal.

Arrests and Court Orders

Students may be arrested or subpoenaed as witnesses without parental knowledge or permission. The school will attempt to contact the parents to inform them of the action and the student’s whereabouts.

Directory Information

School authorities will presume permission of the parents to release directory information unless the school is notified in writing to the contrary. Directory information includes honor roll students, academic awards, athletic awards, etc.

Campus Maintenance

Students are expected to keep the campus clean and beautiful. All papers and food, especially in the lunch area and hallways, should be placed in the proper trash receptacles located around the campus.

School Building Access

Students are not permitted in the school building before 7:00am; students are not allowed in the building after 4:00pm Monday through Thursday and during Faculty meeting times.

Closed Campus Policy

St. Bernard High School is a closed campus. No student may leave the campus during scheduled school hours without written permission from the Main Office and without individual parental permission. All visitors must check in at the main office to obtain a visitor’s badge. Students from other schools are not permitted on campus. Only visitors with school business will be permitted on campus.


Students are financially responsible for damages to school property. Damage caused during a social event is the financial responsibility of the sponsoring group.

Lost Items

Students should not bring valuables to school. The school is not responsible for lost or missing articles. Students who bring cell phones, electronic devices, headphones (wireless or wired) and computers to school do so at their own risk. No investigation of missing phones and electronic devices will be provided by the school.  Students should keep their book bags and belongings either with them or locked in their locker at all times. Book bags, back packs, and other personal belongings found unattended in the hallways or on school grounds will be deposited in the “Lost and Found” area. The school is not responsible for items put in lost and found.

Responsibility for Property

Any student who willfully cuts, defaces, or otherwise injures in any way any property, real or personal, belonging to the school is liable to suspension or expulsion, and the parent or guardian shall be liable for all damages caused by the student. The parent or guardian of a student shall be liable to the school for all property belonging to the school loaned to the student and not returned upon demand of an employee of the school authorized to make the demand.  Students should report damage to their desks, lockers, or other school property immediately. Failure to do so results in the student being held responsible.

Students or adults responsible for breaking or damaging school property (even by accident) are to pay for the repair or replacement of said property. The administration determines the fine based on school vendors or maintenance staff. Students who intentionally damage school property also face disciplinary action.

Computer Regulations

The St. Bernard computer facilities are intended for academic, educational and school use. Students and parents will be required to sign an “Acceptable Use Policy” at the beginning of the school year before the student is allowed to use the school computers.

Students are not allowed to use the computer lab during class time unless a teacher is present. Absolutely no food or drink is allowed in the computer labs at any time.

All school rules for behavior are strictly enforced in the computer lab. In addition, the school reserves the right to define and enforce any additional rules that specifically apply to the use of the school computer facilities. Students who intentionally damage, destroy, deface, steal, or change the configuration of the school’s computer hardware or software will be held financially liable for damages and may be subject to severe disciplinary action.

Library Hours/Regulations

Students must observe the regulations defined by the teacher/supervisor or will be asked to leave the library. Students must refrain from loud talking, socializing, destruction of books, magazines or furniture. Students who display poor conduct in the library may be refused the use of the library and/or be referred to the administration.

Masses, Assemblies, and Rallies

School Masses, Assemblies and Rallies are an important part of our educational program and Catholic community. Students will be dismissed as a class prior to the event to proceed quickly and quietly accompanied by their teacher. Students will leave books and backpacks in the classroom and return after the Mass/assembly to collect their belongings. Students are to observe the rules of politeness and courtesy at all Masses/assemblies.  Inappropriate behavior at Mass or school assemblies may result in immediate suspension and severe disciplinary action.

Archdiocesan Policies

Please visit​ to view Archdiocesan Policies.

