The Saint Joseph High School Director of Campus Ministry, appointed and supported by the principal, helps create, promote, and oversee multiple opportunities for prayer, liturgy, celebration of sacraments, retreats, peer ministry, and Christian service programs. This is facilitated by collaborating with local pastors, religious and lay members of our school community, and the Department of Religious Studies.

The Director of Campus Ministry encourages the pastoral, spiritual and moral development of each student on campus. In partnership with the administration, faculty, staff, and students, he endeavors to continue the mission and message of Jesus by creating opportunities for students to experience daily living in a faith community, develop a faith commitment and encourage a desire to serve others.

Campus Ministry plans and manages the following events and activities:

  • Once a month, Tuesday Mass in the Chapel during the Enrichment Block;
  • School-wide liturgical celebrations and prayer services;
  • Eucharistic Adoration (offered after monthly Mass during EB);
  • Praying a decade of the Rosary during May and October;
  • Training for retreat leadership, liturgical ministry, and service leadership; and
  • Facilitating ministerial training (i.e. Eucharistic ministry and altar serving)
Pastoral Outreach
SJHS also serves the pastoral needs of the school community: students and their families, administrators, faculty, staff, and alumnae. These needs may include spiritual guidance and support, prayer, and special responses for illnesses, accidents, and grief. Prayer request forms are available in the school office, and Masses are offered for these intentions. Parents/guardians may call the Main Office to request prayers for their intentions.

