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Course Academic Awards
At the end of each semester, academic awards are given to the students who have shown outstanding achievement in each course. (A teacher award is also given.) A certificate of achievement is presented to students at the Semester Awards Assembly.

Brown Book Award
The Brown Book Award has been sponsored by Ms. Cherry Sullivan, Saint Joseph Class of 1985 and Brown University Class of 1989. This award honors the junior who best combines academic excellence with clarity in written and spoken expression.

American Legion Auxiliary (ALA) California Girls State Representative
The ALA California Girls State mission statement is to provide an outstanding, unique, and coveted educational opportunity for the young women of California that instills the basic ideals and principles of American government. It is a leadership program designed to increase awareness and knowledge of governmental processes while teaching young women about the duties, privileges, rights, and responsibilities of citizenship. Delegates come away with a greater appreciation of the American Flag and of the sacrifices made by our veterans.

Each year, an SJHS Girls State Representative is selected from the Junior Class based these leadership qualities to participate in the program which takes place each summer.

Honor Roll
Students are selected for the academic honor roll each semester if they have a 3.0 or better grade point average (GPA). Student GPAs are determined based on the following grade points. For AP and Honors courses, the grades are weighted and the student receives one (1) extra grade point for grades of “C” or higher in those courses.

​Letter Grade
​Course Grade Points
​AP/Honors Grade Points
(does not qualify for extra point)
(does not qualify for extra point)

Perfect Attendance Award
Students who have no absences, no tardies, no truancies, and no releases from any block throughout the year will receive an Attendance Award at the end of the year. (This includes doctor appointments, court appearances, and more than two college visits.) This does not apply to school-related releases such as SJHS athletic competitions, field trips, or approved funerals.

Graduation Awards
Valedictorian and Salutatorian
The Valedictorian of Distinction, Salutatorian, and Class Valedictorians are selected based on their cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA). The GPA is calculated by using the following grading scale: A = 4.00, A- = 3.70, B+ = 3.30, B = 3.00.  AP and Honors courses earn an extra grade point.

All graduation requirements must be met and P.E. will not be included in the calculations.

The Valedictorian of Distinction and Salutatorian are announced at the start of 4th Quarter, so that the 3rd Quarter grades are included in the GPA calculation.

Valedictorian of Distinction
The Valedictorian of Distinction is the senior earning the highest cumulative GPA. She delivers her Valedictory Speech at the Graduation Ceremony.
If multiple seniors have the same cumulative GPA, multiple valedictorians of distinction will speak at the Graduation Ceremony.

The Salutatorian is the senior earning the second highest cumulative GPA. She delivers the Call to Prayer at the Baccalaureate Mass.

Class Valedictorians
In addition to the Valedictorian of Distinction and Salutatorian, ten additional seniors with the next highest cumulative GPA are honored as Class Valedictorians.

California Scholarship Federation (CSF) Sealbearer Awards
Graduating seniors who have maintained active membership in CSF for four of their final six semesters, one of which must be senior year qualifying with senior semester grades, will qualify as a CSF Sealbearer at graduation. A CSF Sealbearer receives a CSF pin to wear at graduation, a CSF Membership certificate and the CSF seal on her diploma.  A Sealbearer may purchase a gold CSF stole and tassel to wear at graduation.

Seal of Biliteracy
The State Seal of Biliteracy is recognition by the State Superintendent for graduating high school students who have attained a high level of proficiency in speaking, reading, and writing in one or more languages in addition to English and will receive a seal on their diplomas

Archdiocese of Los Angeles Christian Service Award
The Archdiocese of Los Angeles Christian Service Award honors students from all Catholic high schools for significant contributions in the area of Christian service, as described in the ADLA Administrative Handbook section 4.3.14, Christian Service
The awards are presented by the archbishop, or by a designated auxiliary bishop, at a special liturgy in the archdiocese. Students who received this award are also recognized at the Graduation Ceremony.

SJHS Christian Service Award
Saint Joseph High School awards any students who have earned above and beyond the required hours of Christian Service and have completed over 500 hours. They truly live the CSJ charism of “Service to the Dear Neighbor without distinction.” 

Saint Joseph Scholar Athlete of The Year
The Saint Joseph Scholar Athlete Award goes to the Student Athlete who participates in a varsity sport and obtains the highest GPA for her Senior class. The Scholar Athlete Award is based upon cumulative GPA and sportsmanship throughout the sport season

SJHS Athlete of the Year
The Saint Joseph Athlete of the Year Award goes out to a varsity athlete who excels in her sport while representing Saint Joseph High School as a Student Athlete.

Second Generation Award
The Second Generation Award is a special recognition for daughters of SJHS alumnae and is awarded to seniors at graduation.  During the ceremony, the graduate and her alumna mother accept the award together.

Third Generation Award
The Third Generation Award is a special recognition for graduating seniors who are 3rd generation Jesters – they are granddaughters of SJHS alumnae.  During the ceremony, the graduate, her alumna mother and alumna grandmother accept the award together. 

Sisters of St. Joseph Of Carondelet Principals’ Awards
These awards are given annually to seniors who have distinguished themselves in these areas. Selection is based upon teacher and administrative recommendations. These awards are given in honor of the four previous principals who were Sisters of Saint Joseph of Carondelet.
  • Sr. Mary Ursula Flynn, CSJ - For the Spirit of Great Beginnings and Great Faith
  • Sr. Madeline Clancy, CSJ - For the Spirit of Innovation and Risk-Taking
  • Sr. Barbara Joseph Wilson, CSJ - For the Spirit of Perseverance
  • Sr. Janet Duffy, CSJ - For the Spirit of Kindness and Respect for Others

Dear Neighbor Award
The Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet was founded in 1650 by Fr. Jean Pierre Medaille, SJ, who called them to live a life stimulated by the Holy Spirit of Love and receptive to His inspirations. The Sister of St. Joseph moves always toward profound love of God and love of neighbor without distinction from whom she does not separate herself and for whom, in the following of Christ, she works in order to achieve unity both of neighbor with neighbor, and neighbor with God directly in this apostolate and indirectly through works of charity (Consensus Statement of the Central Ideas of Jean Pierre Medaille, S.J., 1969). The Dear Neighbor Award is presented to seniors whose exceptional dedication to works of charity serve as a living testament to that same unity with the Holy Spirit in response to the call of Christ to serve the dear neighbor.

Le Puy Award
The Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet trace their origin to Le Puy, France where Fr. Jean Pierre Medaille, SJ founded them in 1650, under the patronage of Bishop Henry de Maupas. The Sisters dedicated their lives to serving the needy, orphans, prisoners, women, sick and the destitute. The Sisters taught women lace-making, enabling them to be self-sustaining members of society. The Le Puy Award is presented to a senior or seniors who have embodied that spirit of self-determination in the role of servant leader.

Sr. Monica Corrigan, CSJ Award
The Sr. Monica Corrigan award is awarded to a senior for outstanding service to campus ministry.

Saint Joseph Jester Spirit Award
The Saint Joseph Jester Spirit Award is given to a student who lives the CSJ charism, shares the Jester spirit with all, and is an outstanding representative of Love, Hope, and Zeal.

Excellence Tempered by Gentleness, Peace, and Joy
The Excellence Tempered by Gentleness, Peace, and Joy award is presented to a student who is faithful to the gift of unifying love, who reaches out in communion with creation, with the Church, with the dear neighbor, and with each other wherever the Spirit leads them.

Femme de Coeur, Femme de Foi, Femme de Courage Award
This is the “Woman of Heart, Woman of Faith, Woman of Courage” award. It is given to the graduate who shows the spirit of “All of which woman is capable.”

Gavel Presentation
A gavel is awarded as a thank you for the ASB President’s leadership and service to her local dear neighbors.

Saint Joseph Award
The Saint Joseph Award is the school’s highest award and is given to the graduating senior or seniors who manifest the qualities of Saint Joseph—patience, trust, generosity, dependability, love and concern for others. The ideal SJHS student is one who tries their best to live out the school’s motto of love, hope and zeal. The Saint Joseph Award is voted on by students, members of the faculty and administration and is given to the student who lives out the charism of the CSJs and SJHS. This senior should not only be the embodiment of these qualities, but also should have served her school and others.

Sponsored Awards and Scholarships
Graduating seniors are eligible for several awards and scholarships sponsored by alumnae families, Catholic organizations, and community organizations.

Drs. Manuel and Elisa Breton Scholarship
Drs. Manuel and Elisa Breton were originally from Cuba. They met at the Universidad de la Habana Medical School and came to the USA for their medical internships and never returned to Cuba. The Bretons had 8 children: 6 daughters and 3 granddaughters attended SJHS. Elisa, Hortensia, Rosa, Teresita, Rebecca and Maria wish to honor their parents for their love of education and dedication to helping others. Two scholarships will be awarded to graduating seniors who are pursuing degrees in medical or science fields. 

Audrey Panganiban Fine (’98) Memorial Award
The Audre Panganiban Fine Memorial Award is given in memory of Audrey Panganiban, Class of 1998, who lost her life in a car accident in 2007. In honor of her passion for art and photography, this scholarship is given to a student or students who wish to pursue studies in the arts. Selection is based upon teacher and administration recommendation.

Dan Hansen Memorial Award
The Dan Hansen Memorial Award is given to a student who is going into the medical field. Dan Hansen was the brother of Regina Hansen, Class of 1987 and this award is given in memory of Dan Hansen who was seriously injured in a motorcycle accident and became a quadriplegic. He died years later. Medicine cures but people heal was Mr. Hansen’s philosophy. Selection is based upon teacher and administration recommendation.

Karen Roffers Memorial Award
The Karen Roffers Memorial Award is sponsored by the family and friends of Karen Roffers, mother of Saint Joseph alumna Brenna Roffers, Class of 2009, and is given to a young woman choosing to pursue a career in nursing. Karen was very active on our campus while Brenna was a student and was well known in the community not only for her outgoing personality, but also for her concern and care for others.  Karen unfortunately lost her battle with cancer but never her love of life or helping others. Selection is based upon teacher and administration recommendation.

Petrich Family Scholarship 
The Petrich Family Scholarship is sponsored by Mrs. Linda Petrich, who was a dedicated teacher at Saint Joseph High School for over 45 years, her daughter Johanna, Class of 1996, and her granddaughter Faith Wilkinson, Class of 2017. The scholarship is awarded to a student who blazed a unique trail here at Saint Joseph’s and remained focused on her goal regardless of obstacles. The recipient is a young woman who cherished her time as a Jester, lives the mission and charism of the CSJs, and will continue to follow her dream after high school. Selection is based upon teacher and administration recommendation.

Lakewood Rotary Club Scholarship Award
The Lakewood Rotary Club recognizes students who have overcome adversity or challenges in receiving their high school diploma; have exhibited good citizenship and respect for human values; have assisted in some way in making their community a better place in which to live; and have a sincere desire to complete a post-high school education. Applicants are recommended by their Academic/College Advisor. Selection is made by the Lakewood Rotary Club based on graduating senior’s application. For more information, contact the college advisors.

Lakewood Pan American Association Ambassador Scholarship
The Lakewood Pan American Association Ambassador Scholarship is awarded to a student who has made significant contributions to their schools and/or community and excelled academically. Selection is made by the Lakewood Pan American Association based on the graduating senior’s application. For more information, contact the college advisors.

Long Beach Financial Credit Union Scholarship
The Long Beach Financial Credit Union recognizes one outstanding student for scholastic achievement. The LBFCU works directly with SJHS Administration to select the recipient and presents a check and letter to the student.

Lucille Radar Education Foundation Scholarship 
The Lucille Rader Education Foundation was founded in memory of the Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary who devoted their lives to excellence in teaching. The scholarship program was designed to assist girls from Los Angeles Archdiocese Catholic schools who have demonstrated excellence in academics and athletics, as well as good moral character. Each year, the Foundation awards a college scholarship to one or more senior Catholic girls who best exemplify the Foundation's ideals. The scholarship recipients are selected based on a number of factors, including an application essay, high school transcripts, athletic participation, and more.  Selection is made by the Lucille Radar Education Foundation Lakewood based on the graduating senior’s application. For more information, contact the College Advisors.

