Skip Navigation LinksSanta Clara High School > chapter-2-GENERAL INFORMATION > section-2-02-Integral Student Outcomes (ISO) / Learning Expectations


Integral student outcomes (ISO's)

 Socially Responsible, as evidenced by

1) Accept responsibility for individual and group actions 

2) Lead, problem-solve, and embody the spirit of Catholic social teaching by actively responding to local, national and global events

A  Academically Sound, as evidenced by 

1) Demonstrate measurable growth across the curriculum using all learning modalities 

2) Embrace a nurtured desire for lifelong learning

I   Innovative, as evidenced by

1) Develop and utilize a combination of critical thinking, logic and creative skills

2) Engage in disciplined self-assessment that leads to future achievement

N  Nourished spiritually, as evidenced by

1) Respect the truths and beliefs of the Catholic Church

2) Pursue opportunities for reflection, devotion and sacramental life

T   Team Player, as evidenced by

1) Commit genuinely to something greater than themselves

2) Collaborate with others for the common good

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