Skip Navigation LinksSanta Clara High School > chapter-4-ADMISSION AND ATTENDANCE > section-4-09-Automobiles/Parking Lot

​​​Parking Lot​

The following rules are always in effect pertaining to the school parking lots:

  • The speed limit in the parking lots is 5 MPH and 25 MPH on the adjoining streets. Parents and students are expected to obey these speed limits.
  • Once a student-driver arrives on campus he/she is expected to exit the car and go immediately into the school.
  • Likewise, at dismissal students may not go to their cars until they are ready to leave.
  • The parking lot is off-limits to all students during school hours except when permission is given by an Administrator.
  • Lingering in the parking lots after the Warning Bell in the morning is not allowed.
  • Parking in an unauthorized area is prohibited at all times.  Unauthorized areas are unmarked parking spaces, handicapped spaces, and the area in front of the Pavilion.
  • The area in front of the orange cones is for drop-off and pick-up only.
  • Violation of these rules will result in disciplinary measures and/or loss of a student's parking lot privileges.

    Santa Clara High School is not responsible for any theft, damage or vandalism of cars in the parking lots.

    Parking Permits

    All students who drive a car to school must request a student parking permit from the Vice Principal.  
  • A valid California Driver's License and proof of insurance must be presented to obtain the parking pass.  
  • Only those students who have submitted all documentation and have an S.C. parking decal are permitted to drive to school.  
  • Parking Permits must be displayed on the dashboard or rearview mirror at all times while vehicles are in the school parking lot.  
  • The replacement of a lost permit is $10.00.  

    Student Drivers and Carpooling

    California Vehicle Code 12814.6, requires that a driver, under the age of 18, may not transport passengers under age 20, unless accompanied by a parent or guardian, a licensed driver 25 years of age or older, or a licensed or certified driving instructor for the period of one year.  This law affects every provisional driver who issued a driver's license after January 1, 2005.  Drivers who are 18 years old or whose restrictions began more than 12 months ago may transport passengers.  Santa Clara High School requires full compliance with this law.


    Skateboards, skates, bicycles, etc. may be ridden to school.
  • Students are expected to carry, not ride, skateboards once they arrive on the campus parking lot.
  • Skateboards, skates, bikes are not to be ridden on campus at any time.  If ridden on campus the item will be confiscated and must be picked up by a parent or guardian.

