All students take the required religion curriculum.  In these classes, all students are graded on academic achievement and not on their religious affiliation, personal belief or the practice of their faith.  All students are required to attend the general and class religious activities of the school including retreats, Masses, and so on. The primary purpose of a Catholic school is to teach sound doctrine and morals. It is school policy that all students take the required Religion courses and attend all religious services, behaving respectfully, regardless of their religious affiliation. 

The courses offered in Religion are: 

  • Freshman Year: (Sacred Scripture, Who is Jesus Christ)
  • Sophomore Year: (The Paschal Mystery and the Church)
  • Junior Year: (Sacraments, Moral Life)
  • Senior Year: (Responding to Jesus Call, Living as a Disciple in Society)
    The content of all courses conforms to the teachings of the Catholic Church.​

