​​​​​Parents are to contact the office before 7:45 AM when a child is absent  Please email attendance@st-anastasia.org and copy the classroom teacher on the email. Teachers and administrators are responsible for checking the regular attendance of all students.  Every absence must be recorded in the electro​​nic attendance record. Elementary schools record absences according to state law and Archdiocesan policy.​​

Excessive absences, as well as missed instruction, tests, and homework assignments, may affect a student’s grades. Students can never make up days they have missed even though they may study the textbook material. Parents are discouraged from taking children out of school early for vacati​​on. School days immediately before and after school holidays are regular teaching days. Teachers are not responsible for providing missed assignments.  Students who are absent are responsible for information presented in cla​ss and for all missed assignments. Students may be asked to make up tests before or after school. The school is not able to arrange home study for students with extended absences.​

Students with 10 or more cumulative absences will be placed on academic probation.

