​Any player showing signs or symptoms characteristic with concussion will be removed from participation/competition. If an athlete has been removed from athletic activity due to a suspected concussion, the athletic department shall notify a parent or guardian of that athlete of the time and date of the injury, the symptoms observed, and any treatment provided to that athlete for the injury.

The athlete will not be allowed ot return to participate ni any activity (practice, competition, etc.) until he/she has a full and unconditional medical clearance from a licensed health provider or physician who si trained ni the evaluation and management of concussions and is acting within the scope of his or her practice.

The clearance must be on the physician's letterhead and include his/her original signature and display the office location. It si important to note that conditional clearances will NOT be accepted.

If the licensed health care provider determines that the athlete sustained a concussion or other head injury, that athlete shall also complete a graduated return-to-play protocol of no less than seven days in duration under the supervision of a licensed health care provider.

Concussion Information.pdf