Skip Navigation LinksSt. Timothy Elementary School > chapter-4-ADMISSION AND ATTENDANCE > section-4-07-Safety and Security Procedures

Emergency Information​
Each student shall have an Emergency Card that is complete, current, and readily available to the school. The student’s parent or guardian is required to inform the school when there are changes to a home, cell or work phone number or address, the names of persons to notify in case of an emergency, or to any medication prescription for a student. The Emergency Card shall indicate whether or not the parent or guardian gives the school permission to choose a physician in an emergency.  In case of emergency, the Emergency Card will be shown to the paramedics or emergency room staff to authorize treatment, and to advise them if a student has any particular medical needs or is on medication. Therefore, it is imperative that the information be accurate, complete, and up-to-date. When a student becomes ill or is injured, the parent or guardian will be contacted immediately. If the parent or guardian cannot be reached, another person listed on the emergency card will be contacted.  Only minor and very basic first aid will be administered to students at school; no secondary treatment, such as changing or removing bandages, will be administered. Parents or guardians will be contacted immediately if there is any question regarding the seriousness of or complications arising from an injury.  

The school will not furnish medications. All medications administered at school shall be provided by parents.  See Medication Authorization and Permission Form.

  • A release stating the nature of the medication, signed and dated by the doctor and also signed by the parent, must be provided at the beginning of each school year. See Medication Authorization and Permission Form. 
  • Medications administered at school must be in the original container and labeled and brought to the school front office by a parent. The day’s dosage must be sealed, labeled and have the student’s name attached. It shall be in an appropriate container, and kept in the school’s front office. Parents are responsible for replacing any expired medications, as well as informing the office of any changes to their child’s medication.
  • The student shall come to the office for medication and must administer the dosage themselves.  If they are unable to do so, a parent/guardian must administer it for them. School employees may not administer any medications to students.
  • Because of the risk of students sharing medications, students may not carry medication of any kind to be self-administered at school. In the event a student is seriously at risk without an epi-pen or inhaler on his or her person, consideration will be given for a variance. 
  • Students may not be given medicine prescribed for other family members 
  • The medication regulations apply to both prescription and non-prescription medications 
  • Students who are diabetic are allowed to test their blood sugar at school in the health room or office and self-administer medication as necessary. If a student is too young or otherwise unable to self test his or her blood sugar, we may make arrangements with the student’s family to assist with testing. All medications must be kept in the school’s front office and appropriately labeled as described above. School employees may not administer injections to diabetic students except in emergencies.  
  • No exceptions will be made to the procedure for medication. If parents/guardians do not provide the completed medication form with the prescribed medication, they will have to come to school and personally administer the medication.
Emergency Procedures
In the event of a regional emergency, students will be kept in the safest place on the school grounds until a parent or authorized representative signs them out.  Parents are to complete the emergency form and update as needed and the ParentReach emergency notification system paperwork. In the event of an emergency, St. Timothy School will use ParentReach an emergency notification system to communicate with parents regarding pick-up locations etc.  Fire drills and evacuation drills are conducted regularly at school so that students may respond confidently and calmly in the event of an emergency.

The following recommendations and procedures are designed to provide as much safety and calm as possible during an emergency situation:
1.    During an emergency, the teacher will initiate the Emergency Procedures.  
2.    If necessary, the buildings will be evacuated following the Emergency Procedures in place by the school.
3.    If evacuated, students will be assembled on the playground away from buildings and overhead wires, and teachers will take roll and render first aid. (All teachers and staff are trained in CPR)​. All gates will remain closed.
4.    If appropriate, the buildings will be checked for total evacuations and for any utility disruption.  Gas, water and electricity will be turned off if needed.
5.    Personnel will be assigned to monitor emergency communications.
6.    Students will stay under the protection of the school staff until a parent or other authorized person is available to take the child home.
7.    Do not telephone the school.  The phone lines must be kept free for emergency calls.
8.    We will be cooperating with the directives given by emergency services in our area.
9.    ​Have a definite plan for reuniting your family.  Discuss these plans with your child in order to eliminate a tendency to panic.

Emergency Situations regarding student threats:
St. Timothy School will take seriously all threats to inflict serious harm to self or others.  The school will respond to any statements or behaviors of a threatening nature, any behaviors by individuals that might pose a threat to the well being of students, staff or others and any weapon possession.  St. Timothy School has an obligation to keep our school safe and will take this matter seriously.  This is not an area for practical jokes or offhand comments, as recent events demonstrate the importance of investigating thoroughly all-potential concerns.  If you become aware of a threatening situation, you must immediately report it to a teacher or the Principal.  Please see Archdiocesan policies and procedures for more information.

Emergency Supplies
In a gallon size ziplock bag (labeled with student’s name) include the following:
  1. Two drinks  (juice in aluminum cans are best.  No plastic or cardboard juice boxes, no carbonated beverages and NO glass.)
  2. Two meats  (such as tuna, chicken, Vienna sausage)
  3. Two sweets  (such as puddings, granola bars)
  4. Two fruits  (such as fruit rolls, raisins, dried fruits, trail mix)
  5. One large trash bag 
  6. *Foods must be commercially sealed in paper, plastic, or pop-top cans.  Also include 2 plastic spoons and a change of underwear, packed discreetly.
  7. *Label, with student’s name, a liter size plastic bottle of water (to be kept separate but near bag of emergency supplies in classroom). 
  8. *Please bring these items to school by the 2nd Friday after school begins. Emergency supplies may also be ordered and purchased through the school, please see flyer on website for more information.

