Skip Navigation LinksSt. Timothy Elementary School > chapter-8-DISCIPLINE > section-8-1-Philosophy > topic-8-1-01-Discipline and Procedures

​One of our goals at St. Timothy is to maintain a school environment that is conducive to learning, giving each child an opportunity to be as successful as he or she can be.  The school provides an environment in which each child can feel safe and secure.  Teachers as well as staff members discourage any student behavior that impedes teaching, prevents learning, or is not in the best interest of other students.  In order to insure that this environment is possible, certain basic standards of behavior need to be set by the school, communicated to the students, parents and staff; then enforced throughout the year at home and at school.  At the beginning of each year, St. Timothy’s behavior standards are discussed by each teacher in the classroom. Misbehaviors are discussed with the student and redirection is given as needed.  Teachers will discuss continued misbehaviors with parents and school counselor.  If misbehaviors continue a meeting with the principal will occur. Consistency is the key to reinforcing appropriate behavior.  On an ongoing basis, the principal and staff recognize students for improvement, effort, achievement and appropriate behavior. Student conduct includes behavior in the classroom, on the playground, at church, on field trips, school sponsored events, and at STS aftercare during 7:30 A.M. - 6:00 P.M.  

School Rules:  
1.  Show respect for God, others, self, and property.
2.  Use appropriate language, voice control, and behavior.
3.  Be responsible and prepared with work and materials.
4.  Keep hands, feet, and objects where they belong.
5.  Be in complete uniform for class and P. E.
6.  Follow directions and school policies.

1. Warning
2. Parent contact

Severe Clause: Serious offenses warrant an immediate action by the principal. Cheating and plagiarism are serious offenses and must be reported to the principal for disciplinary action. St. Timothy School has zero tolerance for cheating and plagiarism​, which may warrant a suspension. St. Timothy School has zero tolerance for bullying which may warrant a suspension. The principal is the final recourse in all-disciplinary matters and can, for just cause, waive any disciplinary regulation.

Bullying: Bullying is the habitual harassing, intimidating, tormenting, browbeating, humiliating, terrorizing, oppressing, and/or threatening words spoken to another
person. Bullying is a form of harassment which typically consists of direct behaviors, such as teasing, taunting, threatening, hitting and stealing, that are initiated
by one or more students against a victim or victims. In addition to direct attacks, bullying may also be indirect, such as spreading rumors that cause victims to be
socially isolated through intentional exclusion. Whether the bullying is direct or indirect, the key component of bullying is physical or psychological intimidation that
occurs repeatedly over time to create an ongoing pattern of harassment and abuse. Bullying is a form of harassment and may result in serious disciplinary action,
up to and including multiple minus points, at the teacher’s discretion, suspension and possible expulsion.

Grounds for Suspension and Expulsion: Reasons for expulsion are, but are not limited to, the following offenses committed by students:
  • Actions gravely detrimental to the moral and spiritual welfare of other students
  • Habitual profanity or vulgarity
  • Assault, battery or any threat of force or violence directed toward any school personnel or student
  • Bullying, harassing or hazing school personnel or other students
  • Open, persistent defiance of the authority of the teacher
  • Continued willful disobedience
  • Use, sale or possession of narcotics, drugs or any other controlled substance
  • Use, sale, distribution, or possession of any alcoholic beverages on or near school premises
  • Smoking or having tobacco
  • Stealing
  • Forging signatures
  • Cheating or plagiarism
  • Willful cutting, defacing or otherwise injuring in any way property, real or personal belonging to the school
  • Habitual truancy
  • Possession of harmful weapons (e.g., knives, guns, etc.) or materials that can be used as weapons
  • Membership in, active involvement in, or affiliation with a gang or group responsible for coercive or violent activity
  • Actions in or out of school which are detrimental to the school’s reputation
  • Violation of the Electronic Use policies and guidelines
  • Inappropriate conduct or behavior unbecoming a student in a Catholic school​​
  • Any of the reasons listed for expulsion with mitigating circumstances are adequate cause for suspension of a student
  • ​No student shall be suspended from school for more than two consecutive weeks, unless there is an ongoing police investigation of a possible crime, in ​which case the student may be suspended during the entire investigation
  • Notice of suspension must be given to the parents or guardians by telephone or in a conference
  • ​The principal shall schedule a conference with the suspended student’s parents or guardians to discuss matters pertinent to the suspension, especially the means by which the parents or guardians and the school can cooperatively encourage the student to improve behavior. The suspended student may be present at the conference
  • In no case will a teacher on his or her own authority suspend a student
No pupil shall be suspended or expelled for acts, which are enumerated unless such act is related to school activity or school attendance. The following offenses
are grounds for expulsion: 1) conduct detrimental to the reputation of the school; 2) immorality in talk or action; 3) an accumulation of three suspensions. 
A pupil ​may be suspended or expelled for any of the acts enumerated in this section and related to school activity or attendance which occur at anytime, including but not
limited to: 1) while on school grounds; 2) while going to or coming from school; 3) going to or coming from a school sponsored activity.

St. Timothy School norms of conduct are predicated on two premises: first, that every student has the right to certain protections (such as the protection of his/her
personal property, the physical integrity of the facilities, an atmosphere conducive to personal growth and development) and, second, that every student has the
duty to preserve those rights for others. The underlying concept is not one of legalism, punishment, or discipline for discipline’s sake. Rather, it is one of
personal and corporate privileges bound of necessity to personal and corporate responsibilities. Since no list of norms can cover every situation, the
administration presumes common sense, mature judgment, and Christian charity are the guides by which every St. Timothy student should measure
his/her actions. The principal is the final recourse in all-disciplinary situations and may waive any disciplinary rule for just cause at his/her discretion. Please see
the Los Angeles Archdiocesan policies and procedures insert for more information on expulsion procedures.

Other General Rules are:
1. Personal toys and/or P. E. equipment, i.e. balls, and expensive items are NOT to be brought to school.
2. Proper manners and behavior before and after school, and during recess and lunch are expected from each child.
3. Gum chewing is NEVER permitted on school campus at ANY time.
4. Dangerous objects are NOT ALLOWED in school.
5. Playground equipment must be used properly.
6. Tackling games and play fighting, including martial arts, are unsafe and are NOT permitted.
7. The following are NOT to be brought to school: magazines, comics, card collections, PlayStation, Game Boy, electronic games/toys, or any other electronic
devices not approved by teachers or administration.
8. Rudeness and disrespect towards adults or other students will NOT be tolerated.
9. No pranks or practical jokes.
10. No drawing on your skin with markers, ink or anything else.
11. All food and drinks must be eaten at lunch tables
12. Proper conduct in the school building includes, no running, no loud voices, and walking up and down the stairs on the right side, holding the handrail.

