Regular attendance is an important factor in academic success. Students are expected to be in class daily and to be on time for class. The following are acceptable reasons for excused absences:

  • Illness                                                              • Funerals
  • Medical appointments (with a doctor's note)         • Quarantine

The school calendar is posted on at the beginning of the school year with advance publication of major dates.  Family business, vacation plans, personal leaves, etc., should not interfere with school time.

Absences will be classified as "excused" or "unexcused." Teachers will give credit and assist students in make-up work for an excused absence. If a student is absent from school, it is vitally important that his/her parent/guardian call the school office or email the Health Room at  before  8:30 a.m. and verify every absence, full day or partial, EACH day the student is absent. If a phone call has not been made or an email sent by a parent/guardian on the day of absence, then the absence will be unexcused.

The school accepts no responsibility for a student absence unless the parent has contacted the school to inform the office that the student will not be in attendance that day. In instances where the parent has not contacted the school, the school will attempt to call your home by 11:00 a.m. If there is no answer at home, an attempt will be made to call you at your place of employment. Please remember regarding homework/class work when absent, that a phone call request should be made before 9 a.m. for homework/classroom pick-up after 2:30. Homework is also available

WHEN A STUDENT HAS BEEN ABSENT FROM SCHOOL, A WRITTEN EXCUSE SIGNED BY THE PARENT/ GUARDIAN MUST BE PRESENTED BEFORE THE CHILD MAY BE ADMITTED TO THE CLASSROOM. Before checking into the classroom after an absence, students must present themselves to the health room for an okay to enter the classroom from the health room aide. Parents should accompany their child to the Health Room after an absence due to illness in case they are not cleared to return to the classroom.  For your convenience, you may obtain yellow "Return to School" slips through the school's health room. You may wish to place them in your glove box for easy access. PLEASE REMEMBER THAT A CHILD MUST BE FEVER (100.4°F) FREE WITHOUT MEDICATION FOR 24 HOURS TO BE ALLOWED BACK INTO SCHOOL!  In the note, please include the dates of the absence. A note from a doctor is necessary in cases of communicable diseases.  A note from a dentist or doctor following a morning appointment is acceptable.


